ICAI has developed this portal with the intention of providing study material to Newly Registered Students at their door...
Type of Pen and Pencil to be used for CA Exams: ICAI Norms
The primary reason for this is that ICAI has to scan all the answer sheets to give Certified copies to the students. Blue ink was consuming a lot of disk space and therefore ICAI has now said that students are allowed to write only in black ink.
Which pen are you going to write your CA exams with? - CA …
2020年7月1日 · Although ICAI has recommended using eye-catching a BLACK BALL POINT pen, Anand personally prefers the following gel pens (because they are not specifically prohibited)
ICAI - The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Go to the exam centre, on the day of the exam, equipped with HB pencil and eraser (in addition to pens), for the purpose of darkening the circles in the OMR answer sheets.
Which ink pen should be used ? - Exams - CAclubindia
2018年3月17日 · In recently issued GUIDELINES FOR EXAM by ICAI they have stated that only black ball point pen can be used. So , hence is it deemed that we can't use the black GEL pen ??? Because some of my colleagues are saying that one can use ANY
Which pen is used for CA final? - Sage-Tips
According to the notification by ICAI the exams are to be written by black pen. They have not mentioned about fountain pen / gel pen or ball point pen. Therefore I contacted Ahmedabad Branch of The ICAI , they informed me that black Ball …
Clarity regarding use of PEN or PENCIL on OMR sheet for ... - CA …
2019年6月6日 · As you are aware that ICAI has been implemented objective type exams for 30 marks for some papers of CA Final and CA Inter from May-June 19 exams. Students are having lots of confusions regarding the use of PEN or PENCIL on OMR sheets which is given to students for answering objective type questions
Can we use gel pens in ca exams - Students - CAclubindia
2012年8月12日 · Hello Rohit, Gel pens are strictly prohibited in CA Exams as per the notification no.5432/2013 issued by the Board of Studies, ICAI. Only fountain pens or Ink pens are allowed in CA exams. Moreover ICAI recommends only Mont Blanc pens to be used in exams.
Written exam with blue pen [Resolved] | Exams - CAclubindia
2017年11月12日 · In May 2017 it was mentioned to write in blue or black pen while in Nov 2017 it was clearly mentioned to write in Black pen.. ICAI has the power and authority to take the appropriate steps. However we can hope that they will consider your answer sheets for …
CA OMR Sheet 2024 PDF for ICAI Foundation, Intermediate
2024年10月6日 · Institute of Chartered Accountants releases CA OMR sheet 2024 for intermediate, foundation and final examinations. If you are planning to give a CA exam, then, you need to know about the ICAI OMR sheet 2024. Try a sample CA Foundation OMR sheet 2024 while practicing the sample papers.