International Coaching Federation- Professional Coaching …
International Coaching Federation (ICF) is a non-profit professional coaching membership association focused on networking, credentialing... Celebrating 30 Years of Driving Coaching Forward. Learn More & Join the Celebration
ICF Member Digital Badging - International Coaching Federation
Digital badging gives ICF Credential-holders a way to share their knowledge, skills and abilities online in a way that is simple and trusted and can be easily verified in real time. ICF now recognizes your achievement as an ICF Credential-holder through a digital badge.
With 50,000+ ICF members, 50,000+ credential-holders and more than 140 chapters around the world, maintaining the ICF brand can be a difficult task. Consistent use of ICF logos, colors, fonts, and styles enables ICF to maintain a clear, recognizable, and unified brand identity, both within the ICF community and with all of our stakeholder groups.
【ICF新闻播报】ICF推出“ONE ICF”和6大家族组织——通过教练给 …
icf致力于通过制定高道德标准、提供独立认证和建立跨各种教练学科的全球认证教练网络来促进教练职业的发展。 icf在148个国家和地区拥有41741个会员,致力于提高教练意识,维护教练职业道德准则,并不断用最新的研究和实践教育来推动全球教练的共同目标。
ICF: Strategic Consulting & Communications for a Digital World
Our latest report from ICF maps the locations where demand growth and grid constraints could present the greatest challenges and offers six recommendations for utilities. We partner with clients to tackle complex challenges head on. Our data-driven solutions deliver fast, high-impact results and help organizations move forward with confidence.
史上最全最清晰的ICF国际教练认证指南 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ICF(国际教练联合会)是目前世界上唯一颁发全球承认的教练资质的NGO组织,它确立教练核心能力和道德准则,支持独立的教练认证,建立全球教练认证网络,促进专业教练发展。 ICF权威性的建立,基于它始终保持其中立性。 ICF仅做为裁判,对教练学习课程和从事教练职业的资质进行认证,旗下没有任何教练培训机构,也不为企业和个人直接提供教练服务。 为什么需要ICF教练认证? 教练被誉为二十一世纪最具革命性的管理学科,教练这个称谓也变得炙手可热。 很多人 …
ICF Oregon – Advancing the Coaching Profession in Oregon
2022年2月2日 · ICF Oregon is a Chartered Chapter of the International Coach Federation (ICF). We are grounded in ICF Global’s Vision, Mission & Values. We make coaches’ lives better. We are a collaborative, caring, and inclusive community of professional ICF coaches in Oregon.
ICF Malaysia - ICF Malaysia
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.
ICF GEORGIA | Home in Atlanta
What is ICF Georgia? The ICF Georgia Charter Chapter is the Atlanta-based chapter of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the leading worldwide resource supporting the art, science, and practice of professional business and personal coaching.
ICF是世界卫生组织应用于健康和康复领域分类系统之一,其最终目的是要建立一种统一的、标准化的术语系统,以对健康和康复状况的结果进行分类提供参考性的理论框架,其所依据的是在身体、个体和社会3个水平的健康状态所发生的功能变化和出现的异常。 ICF针对功能、残疾与健康分类,提供了一种新的理论和应用模式,即整合生物—心理—社会—环境因素,形成现代综合模式。 2007年10月世界卫生组织正式发布 ICF—CY, 并将 ICF和ICF—CY国际中文版权 授给世界卫 …