icm - Car Forums and Automotive Chat - Automotive Forums .com
icm. BiggyD. 10-03-2004, 06:57 PM ... I have a parts car with a 305 tpi. it has accel distributor and ...
Icm - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2006年6月16日 · Automotive Forums .com Car Chat > Pontiac > Grand Prix > Icm . Icm. Liljay2003. 06-15-2006, 09:34 PM.
98 V6 Camaro no spark at ICM - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2009年9月9日 · New plugs, wires, new coils, and the ICM was put on a diagnostic machine and got all green lights three times in a row, but still no spark when tested with a timing light. What controls the spark before the ICM? What would cause only one coil not to fire? Do I need to invest in a new or used ECU? Crank position sensor is only about a year old.
'88 98 sputtering, backfiring and cutting off. ICM? - Car Forums …
2005年4月19日 · I have thought about the timing chain before because sometimes when I go to start the car, it will slowly turn over 2-3 times like the battery is almost dead then fire right up. It does this sometimes even thoguh the battery is NOT dead or even close.
ICM, Crank sensor or what??? - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2005年6月7日 · ICM has absolutely nothing to do with the ability to crank the engine. if the starter engages but does not turn over the engine either replace the starter/solenoid(easy, fairly cheap) or replace something else then replace the starter/solenoid.
96 blazer stalls when hot - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2011年4月5日 · Car runs 2000 miles after intake manifold gasket repair no codes, no problems 20 miles a gallon, up from 17. Ambient temp 80 and car fails after 25 miles on the freeway. Just get off the freeway safely and coast into parking lot. Cool off 10 minutes, then go 6 miles home with no problem. Hey!
92 cutlass supreme ICM Keeps Dieing HELP! - Car Forums and …
2011年1月3日 · Hello all, I have a 92 Olds Cutlass Supreme 3.1 V6. The other day I drove home and the car was running perfect. I came out the next morning and it would not start. I quickly found that it had no spark, Having some experience with the GM 3.1 I immediatly suspected the ICM.
ICM / Coil Packs - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2007年5月3日 · The 98 3.1 coils and ICM are the same part # as a 2000 3.4. ICM # 10489422 and the coils # 10472401 So yes it should work, if the plug on the ICM is different then obviously it wont work.
1995 Buick Lesabre trouble codes 321 & 361 - Car Forums and …
2009年5月3日 · 1995 Buick Lesabre trouble codes 321 & 361 LeSabre Car Forums 1995 Buick Lesabre trouble codes 321 & 361 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat Our Community is 940,000 Strong.
stalled again!! - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
2009年8月4日 · plugs, wires, oil filter,air filter, fuel filter, fuel pump, idle air controler, crankshaft position sensor, oxygen sensor, thermostat with coolant flush, cleaned MAF sensor, also changed ecm but got no results so returned it, put new icm in and it idled a bit better, but eventualy returned it after a while to get money back, and now i'm dead ...