ICM - Institute of Commercial Management
The leading professional body for commercial and business development staff, ICM provides a wide range of professional qualifications in business, business and related vocational areas.
ICM Professional Qualifications - Institute Of Commercial Management
ICM professional qualifications and accompanying Qualification Specifications are reviewed on a cycle and are currently being reviewed in respect of the RQF.
About ICM - Institute of Commercial Management
Established as a charity for global outreach in 1979, the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) is the leading professional body for commercial and business development staff. ICM provides a wide range of professional qualifications in business, management and related vocational areas.
Institute of Commercial Management - Wikipedia
The Institute of Commercial Management (ICM), founded in 1979, [1] is a Professional Body for Commercial and Business Development Managers, and an Examining and Professional Qualifications Awarding Body for business and management students.
Established in the 1970s, ICM is the leading professional body for Commercial and Business Development working in many key industry sectors. Recognised by employers in more than 130 countries, ICM Awards also provide numerous routes to higher education in the UK.
ICM provides qualifications at certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma levels. Over 200 subjects are examined by ICM on a quarterly basis, covering key sector areas.
ICM Student Portal
Register as a ICM eLearning member and, Get access to over 60 eLearning courses and resources for a one off fee of £50. Access is for 1 year and can be renewed anytime.
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ICM Examination Dates - Institute of Commercial Management
As an awarding organisation for business development staff, ICM provides a wide range of professional qualifications in business, management, and related vocational areas.
ICM students can progress to degree entry as follows Every year, ICM graduates gain entry into universities in North America, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Western Europe, the Far East, South East Asia and Australasia. ICM Diploma Awards – enable the student to apply for entry to the second year of a relevant degree programme.