The infancy-childhood-puberty model of growth: clinical aspects
The infancy-childhood-puberty (ICP) growth model describes human growth from the latter half of the intrauterine life to maturity as three additive and partly superimposed components--infancy, childhood and puberty. Each component can be analysed mathematically and appears to be controlled by distin …
A biologically-oriented mathematical model (ICP) for human …
A new approach to modelling the individual human linear growth curve from birth to maturity is presented in detail. The model, which is also suitable for other measurements, breaks down growth mathematically into three additive and partly superimposed components--Infancy, Childhood and Puberty (the ICP-model).
On the construction of the infancy-childhood-puberty growth standard
The ICP growth model appears to be a refined instrument for detecting and understanding growth disturbances. Using the infancy-childhood-puberty (ICP) growth model, the postnatal linear growth curve is mathematically broken down into three components: infancy, childhood and puberty.
On the modelling of human growth - Karlberg - 1987 - Statistics in ...
A new approach to modelling human linear growth from birth to maturity is presented. The model splits growth into three additive and partly superimposed components, appropriately named infancy, childhood and puberty; we refer to it as the ICP-model for obvious reasons.
Evolutionary Perspective in Child Growth - PMC
The infancy stage of the ICP model has been assumed to begin at mid-gestation and to tail off at approximately 2–3 years of age, representing the postnatal extension of fetal growth, and is regarded as being nutrition-dependent and closely linked …
The infant, childhood and puberty (ICP) model proposing …
The variable growth rates across the developmental ages of infancy, childhood and puberty described from these incremental data became the basis of the namesake ‘ICP’ model, which posits three ...
Evo-Devo of Infantile and Childhood Growth | Pediatric Research
The Infancy, Childhood, and Puberty (ICP) growth model divides human growth into three successive and partly superimposed phases that reflect the control...
A Biologically-Oriented Mathematical Model (ICP) for Human …
A new approach to modelling the individual human linear growth curve from birth to maturity is presented in detail. The model, which is also suitable for other measurements, breaks down growth mathematically into three additive and partly superimposed components —Infancy, Childhood and Puberty (the ICP-model).
Pubertal Growth Assessment - Karger Publishers
2004年11月17日 · In this article, the ability of the ICP model to describe and evaluate individual growth patterns for linear growth in healthy children from 3 years of age to maturity, merely by using the reference values of the childhood component for height and disregarding the contribution of the puberty component, is assessed.
浅谈OSI七层模型及ICP/IP四层模型 - renpingsheng - 博客园
2017年7月29日 · TCP/IP分层模型(TCP/IP Layening Model)被称作因特网分层模型(Internet Layering Model),因特网参考模型(Internet Reference Model)。如图所示: TCP/IP协议被组织成四个概念层。其中有三层对应于ISO参考模型中的相应层。