Supports at school for students with intellectual disability
2024年3月1日 · Children with intellectual disability can attend their local state school and be supported to achieve. All Queensland state schools make reasonable adjustments to enable children of all abilities to attend school, participate in school activities and access the curriculum.
Individual curriculum plans - QTU
ICPs are those plans that are developed by teachers to cater for the diverse learning needs of students who perform well below the year level expectations in the whole of a learning area or across the whole curriculum.
Inclusive education
2024年10月8日 · Our commitment means that children and young people across Queensland, from all social, cultural, community and family backgrounds, and of all identities and all abilities are able to: attend their local state school or education centre and be welcomed
General information for students with disability - Education
2025年3月3日 · Students with disability do not automatically require an individual curriculum plan (ICP). Most students with disability in Prep to Year 10 are assessed against the achievement standards for their enrolled year level, with reasonable adjustments.
Inclusive education - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment …
2023年4月27日 · Australian Curriculum Resources to help Queensland schools implement the Australian Curriculum. Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland; Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 in Queensland; NAPLAN NAPLAN test readiness and administration resources, test reporting and analysis. About NAPLAN; Information for parents and carers; Test ...
An ICP is required when students are provided a lower or higher year-level curriculum than their age cohort — for a whole learning area or for all learning areas. Schools undertake individual student planning and document support provisions and adjustments where
Curriculum Plan (ICP)? An ICP is available for students enrolled in Prep to Year 10. It enables a student to access the Australian Curriculum alongside their similar-aged peers with adjustments to make sure learning is at an appropriate level of challenge. …
Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland (ACiQ)
2024年11月26日 · Three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum is 3-dimensional; it includes learning areas, general capabilities, and cross-curriculum priorities.
Search: ICP - Education
2025年1月20日 · All Queensland state schools are committed to realising the potential of students who are gifted, talented, high ability, high potential or high achieving. Supports at school for students with intellectual disability.
Individual curriculum plans are one of several student plans which can be documented in the OneSchool student plan. See Attachment 1 for an overview of these plans. Whole school approach to support student learning. When is an individual curriculum plan NOT required?