ACM-ICPC 2012 World Finals - cphof.org
2012年5月17日 · Competitive Programming Hall Of Fame. Africa and the Middle East Champion
The ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest
The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve the most real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure.
The ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest
From over 8,000 teams selected from 2,219 universities in 85 countries, the top one hundred and twelve teams of students competed for bragging rights and prizes at The 36th Annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals sponsored by IBM on May 17, 2012, in Warsaw, Poland, and hosted by University of Warsaw.
2012 ACM-ICPC World Finals 信息汇总
五月 15th, 2012 | Posted by huangkun in ICPC 2012 世界总决赛 欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。 比赛时间:北京时间2012年5月17日16:00-21:00
2012 ACM/ICPC 金华赛区现场赛解题报告汇总
针对2012 acm/icpc 金华赛区10月28日现场赛,本日志汇总网上acmer们发布的解题报告,方便大家互相学习。 欢迎补充和完善本日志。 感谢所有及时发布解题报告,和大家分享知识的各位神牛。
World Finals 2012 | ICPC News
From over 8,000 teams selected from 2,219 universities in 85 countries, the top one hundred and twelve teams of students competed for bragging rights and prizes at The 36th Annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals sponsored by IBM on May 17, 2012, in Warsaw, Poland, and hosted by University of Warsaw, are
ACM/ICPC信息站 - Archive - ICPC 2012 亚洲区
由本站发起的 2012 ACM/ICPC 中国大陆现场赛评价调查已结束。 本次调查共收到来自全国各地共177份投票,约占参赛人数的13%。 平均每人对1.7个赛区投票,基本能客观反应实际情况。 以下是各项调查的详细统计数据,供大家参考。 (更多…) 针对2012 ACM/ICPC 成都赛区11月11日现场赛,本日志汇总网上ACMer们发布的解题报告,方便大家互相学习。 欢迎补充和完善本日志。 感谢所有及时发布解题报告,和大家分享知识的各位神牛。 (更多…) 针对2012 ACM/ICPC …
ACM-ICPC World Finals 世界总决赛 2012 题目和测试数据
2013年8月3日 · 《ACM-ICPC世界总决赛2012:探索编程竞赛的高峰》 ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest,简称ACM-ICPC)是全球最具影响力的大学生编程赛事之一,每年都会吸引众多顶尖高校的队伍参与。
Congratulations to St. Petersburg State University of IT, Mechanics and Optics, the 2012 ICPC World Champions! This problem is a variant of the so-called kinetic spanning tree problem (though this knowl-edge is pretty much irrelevant for solving the problem).
World Finals (May 14-18, 2012, Warsaw, Poland) – Hosted by the University of Warsaw, one hundred and twelve (112) world finalist teams will compete for awards, prizes and bragging rights. These teams represent the best of the great universities on six continents - the cream of the crop.