ACR | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The ACR (A daptive C ombat R ifle) is an assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty Online and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. It was cut from Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
2020年12月30日 · 曾出现cod系列:mw1、mw2、mw3等 m16是军方给由阿玛莱特ar-15发展而来的步枪家族所指定的代号,是一款突击步枪,发射北约标准的5.56毫米口径弹药。m16曾是1967年以来陆军使用的主力步兵轻武器,亦被至少15个北约国家所采用,更是同口径枪械中产量最多的一 …
Shredding with the ICR in MW!! - YouTube
2023年2月17日 · This season of COD MW2 has brought back a fan favorite in the ICR! Let me know what you guys think, sorry for the audio, explanation is in the pinned comment...
ICR-1 is the MW2 ACR! (ICR-1 Best Class Setup Black Ops 3)
So I was playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 a few days ago, and it reminded me of how similar the Black Ops 3 ICR-1 is to that gun. It made me think of it...
HOW TO MAKE THE *ICR* IN Call of Duty MW2!!! (ISO Hemlock ... - YouTube
2023年2月18日 · How's it going guys! today i have another ISO Hemlock Best Class Setup! I finally decided I'm calling this gun the ICR from Black Ops 4 by how it looks and h...
ACR Masterguide - Modern Warfare 2 - GameReplays.org
2010年3月17日 · It is expected that the rifle will be offered to military customers in 5.56mm NATO, 6.8mm Remington SPC, and 6.5 Grendel calibers. The ACR is currently stated to be available in 2nd Quarter 2010 for military, government and commercial customers. The ACR is a fully automatic assault rifle that is unlocked at the rank of 48.
The ISO may not be an ACR, but it sure comes pretty close in ... - Reddit
2023年2月19日 · During MW2's prime the ACR was seen as a noob gun that was only used by players who couldn't control any amount of recoil. Everyone knew it didn't stand a chance of outgunning the best automatic ARs (TAR, SCAR).
ICR-1 Is the new Mw2 ACR : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2016年3月8日 · That thing melts, I missed it man! It made me think, how can I make a weapon variant in Black Ops 3 that can give me the success the ACR gave me in MW2? I looked at the options. HVK-30 and the ICR-1 came in mind. The HVK TTK is similar to the ACR, but the ICR-1 has very similar recoil pattern and the easy-to-use factor. So I chose the ICR-1.
Mw2 ACR = BO3 ICR... kind of... : r/CallOfDuty - Reddit
2016年3月8日 · The ACR was one of the God guns in Mw2... it was definitely Zeus and the Famas was Poseidon and something like the AK47 could be Hades. I miss the ACR and the new verticality mechanics of Black Ops 3 kind of makes low recoil low damage weapons obsolete, but played right, can make them a beast and make the player get nostalgia by the way he plays.
CODM枪械的前世今生——突击步枪篇(上) - 使命召唤手游游戏 …
2020年12月30日 · 曾出现cod系列: mw1、mw2、mw3等 M16是军方给由阿玛莱特AR-15发展而来的步枪家族所指定的代号,是一款突击步枪,发射北约标准的5.56毫米口径弹药。 M16曾是1967年以来陆军使用的主力步兵轻武器,亦被至少15个北约国家所采用,更是同口径枪械中产量最 …