ICR-1 - Call of Duty Wiki
The ICR-1 is a low-damage-per-bullet assault rifle. At most ranges, the ICR-1 will take either four to five shots to kill. This is low for the assault rifle class, and is tied with the HVK-30 and M8A7 for the lowest damage per shot in its class.
ICR-1 Assault Rifle | Call of Duty Mobile - zilliongamer
3 天之前 · ICR-1 is an assault rifle that has extremely high accuracy, medium fire rate and good damage, with fully equipped attachment you barely notice the recoil of the gun. ICR-1 is the second new weapons in COD Mobile.
CODM Guns and Their Real Versions (Large Post)
ICR-1. The ICR-1 is claimed to be a modernized AR-15 pattern rifle from Black Ops 3. It features a host of AR-15 patterned features, packed into a futuristic shell and uses the buttstock of the HK HK416 assault rifle. Due to its basis on the AR-15, M4 Carbine, and HK416, its ammo is likely 5.56x45mm NATO.
ICR-1性能解析,枪械搭配 - 哔哩哔哩
总结:ICR-1无论是瞄准,移动,精准,散射上都是很全面的,射速伤害相较于其他枪械都略低. 面对版本优势的枪械在正常对枪中有明显不足. 地图适应性高,属性全面.
ICR-1 - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty | COD攻略资料 …
ICR-1是一把小威力型的突击步枪。 最大伤害时需要命中4枪毙命,最小伤害时5枪毙命。 其中,30-29的伤害主要区分硬核模式下ICR-1是否可以一枪毙命。 爆头加成很低,全距离无法通过爆头形成质变击杀效果。 硬核模式下可以做到中距离一枪爆头。 如果使用大口径配件,在4枪范围内命中一枪头部即可3枪毙命,而远距离5枪毙命距离,则需要2枪命中头部才能做到4枪毙命。 整个ICR-1的4枪毙命射程有63米,不使用消音器的话基本不会有伤害衰减。 加长枪管可以使射程增 …
ICR-1 | Call of Duty Mobile Wiki | Fandom
ICR-1是一把来自Call of Duty :Black Ops 3中的突击步枪。 经过黑色行动COD系列开发商Treyarch二次改变制作的M27 IAR未来版本,是一支高稳定,中等威力和射程的突击步枪. ICR-1作为新手继M4之后的第一把解锁的武器,它的4枪死能力和低后座等优势全方面照顾了新手上手的需求,是一位“新手之友”,直到下一把武器解锁之前,新手玩家会一直使用该武器而不是用M4。 各方面都很均衡,唯一缺点是射速偏慢。 ICR-1为经过黑色行动COD系列开发商Treyarch二次改变 …
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 III | BO3 - ICR-1
Full-auto AR with modest damage and minimal recoil. Unlocked at Rank 16. Precision red dot sight. Enhanced zoom sight. Magnification Optic. Biometric Object Analyser. Detect enemy heat signatures. Emitted Light Optic. Aim down the sight faster. Reduced recoil when aiming down the sight. No radar signature when firing. Headshots do increased damage.
ICR-1 (Assault Rifle) - codmdb.com
Unlock Gold camo for all weapons in the game. Get 10 kills in a completed match 150 times to unlock. Get 25 kills with this weapon in 6 completed Undead Siege matches. (Hard or Nightmare) Obtained by participating in the engagement events. Fully automatic assault rifle. Modest damage and minimal recoil.
ICR-1 - Assault Rifle in COD Mobile | Stats, Perks, Loadout
2020年12月24日 · Talking about ICR-1, specifically, it’s one of the most versatile assault rifles in the game. It can kill an enemy at any range without even them reacting. Today, we’ll look at the overview, stats and the best loadout for ICR-1. All of this will help you learn more about the weapon, and you’ll love using it in the game.
[UPDATED] List of CODM weapons and their real life ... - Reddit
2023年3月10日 · ICR-1 - within the modern AR-15 design features but closely resembles the HK416, manufactured by Heckler & Koch. KN-44 - two possible design features, quite similar to the AKM and the IWI Galil ACE, closely resembling AS-44.
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