Start | ICU-KIDS
Seit vielen Jahren wird diskutiert, ob Kinder und Jugendliche ihre erkrankten Eltern, Großeltern, Freund:innen und andere Angehörige auf der Intensivstation besuchen dürfen. Was auf pädiatrischen Intensivstationen vielerorts Alltag ist – der Besuch von Geschwisterkindern – ist im Erwachsenenbereich Gegenstand andauernder Kontroverse.
Visiting an Intensive Care Unit or even an Intensive Care Unit waiting area can be an overwhelming experience for an adult. Careful thought should be given to decide if it is appropriate for the child to visit. What is the goal of this visit? What are the ages of the visiting children? What do they know about the hospitalization?
When Your Child's in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Kids go to the PICU if they are seriously ill, need intensive care, and have medical needs that can't be met on the hospital's main medical floors. This might include kids with severe breathing problems from asthma, serious infections, some complications of diabetes, or those involved in a serious automobile accident or near-drowning.
When Your Child Is in the Intensive Care Unit - Nationwide Children…
The intensive care unit (ICU) is an area in the hospital where your child can receive close monitoring, help with breathing, or specialized medical procedures. It’s also called the critical care unit.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) - Children's National Hospital
Children's National serves as the primary referral center in the Washington, D.C., region for pediatric emergency, trauma, cardiac, and critical care. Annually, the PICU treats more than 1,400 patients with a wide variety of conditions from across the United States and abroad, including:
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) - Children's Health
The Children's Health Pediatric ICU (PICU) conducts leading-edge medical research and brings new therapies to patients years before they are available at other institutions. The medical staff in the PICU helped define national and Pediatric ICU standards of care by writing one of the major textbooks in the field of pediatric critical care.
Dieses Curriculum dient der Gestaltung von interprofessionellen Fortbildungen, welche modular aufgebaut sind. Ziel ist es, Wissen und Fertigkeiten zu vermitteln, ggf. Multiplikator:innen auszubilden und somit die bestmögliche Unterstützung für Kinder als Angehörige und Besuchende von erwachsenen Personen zu gewährleisten.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) - Nemours Children's Health
Nemours Children's Health critical care experts treat critically ill children in our pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), 24 hours a day, 7 days week.
For children - ICUsteps
Having a relative in ICU is hard for the whole family, including children. We have three resources to help. 'Visiting the Intensive Care Unit' is an activity book for children who are visiting a relative in an intensive care unit (ICU). NHS hospitals can order printed copies for their ICU here.
Intensive Care - Stanford Medicine Children's Health
Intensive care is needed for children who have had certain types of major surgery. These include heart operations, organ transplants, or neurosurgery. After some surgeries, your child may remain on a breathing machine and have special monitoring lines that measure pressures in …
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