Cura Pods
It uses repurposed shipping containers to create plug-in Intensive-Care Units (ICU) with biocontainment through negative pressure.
CURA Pods - Housing Innovation Collaborative
CURA aims to improve the efficiency of the existing design solutions of field hospitals, producing a compact ICU pod that is quick-to-deploy and safe to work in for medical professionals. Each unit is hosted in a 20-foot intermodal container, repurposed with biocontainment equipment.
Shipping containers repurposed into portable ICUs to help health ...
2020年3月25日 · Each of the ICU pods will have all the medical equipment needed to support two coronavirus Covid-19 intensive-care patients at a time. The beautiful part about CURA is that it is modular – each pod could work as a stand-alone unit or multiple pods can be connected with an inflatable structure to create a bigger intensive care center.
Development and pilot implementation of a patient-oriented …
2022年7月9日 · The PODS-ICU tool provides patients and their families with essential information as they discharge from the ICU. This tool has the potential to engage and empower patients and their families in ensuring continuity of care beyond ICU discharge. However, the PODS-ICU requires pairing with earlier dis …
Services 2 — Cura Pods
The project provides ICU for patients with COVID-19 in compact, reversible and re-usable hospital pods. It aims to facilitating the work of medical staff and avoiding cross infection and hospital bottle-neck. Each unit works autonomously and it can be shipped anywhere.
CURA Turns Shipping Containers Into Emergency Hospitals for …
2020年3月26日 · In response to the critical shortage of ICU beds amid the COVID-19 pandemic, nonprofit design/build collective CURA has proposed an innovative solution: repurposing shipping containers into rapidly deployable ICU pods.
About 2 — Cura Pods
CURA (Connected Units for Respiratory Ailments and also “cure” in Latin) uses repurposed shipping containers to create compact plug-in Intensive-Care Units (ICU) that can be quickly deployed in cities around the world, promptly responding to the spread of coronavirus.
Innovations in ICU Expansion Solutions: From Tents to Modified …
The concept of a mobile pod solution is a game changer for ICU care allowing the rapid expansion of surge capacity, and of negative pressure rooms, an increasingly valuable, yet currently limited, commodity in most hospitals, within a slightly smaller footprint.
CURA - The Index Project
Some pods can be placed in proximity to a hospital (e.g. in parking lots) to expand the ICU capacity, while others could be used to create self-standing field hospitals of varying sizes. CURA aims to improve the efficiency of existing solutions in the design of field hospitals, tailoring them to the current pandemic.
Italians Design "CURA Pods" - An Emergency Hospital Made From …
Initiated by Italian architect Carlo Ratti, the 20-foot container contains all the necessary ICU equipment. These include surgical beds, IV controller and fluid bags, as well as respirator and ECG monitors, to name a few.