Domovská stránka | idcholding.sk
Po 24 rokoch sa jediným akcionárom I.D.C. Holding, a.s. stáva Pavol Jakubec. V Pečivárni Sereď pracujem už od roku 2006. Teším sa, že pracujem v stabilnom kolektíve pre zamestnávateľa, ktorý si váži svojich zamestnancov. Mzdové ohodnotenie považujem za viac než férové a rovnako pozitívne hodnotím aj zamestnanecké benefity, ktoré naplno využívam.
Valeo Foods Group - Valeo Foods Group
2024年9月5日 · I.D.C. Holding is a major manufacturer of high-quality sweets products in Slovakia with a turnover of almost 200 million€ annually. The portfolio includes traditional and iconic brands such as Horalky, Mila, Lina, Kávenky, Goralki, Moments, Verbena and many others.
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Valeo Foods Group completes acquisition of IDC Holding
2025年1月14日 · IDC Holding, established over a century ago in Slovakia, generates nearly €200 million in annual revenue and boasts a diverse portfolio that includes well-known brands such as Horalky, Mila and...
Valeo Foods Group completes acquisition of IDC Holding
2025年1月17日 · UK – Valeo Foods Group, one of Europe’s leading producers of sweets, snacks, and confectioneries, has finalized the acquisition of IDC Holding, a renowned producer of wafers, biscuits, and confectionery based in Central and Eastern Europe. The deal, initially announced in September 2024, marks a significant milestone in Valeo’s expansion strategy.
I.D.C. Holding, a.s. - historický názov: Investment Development Company ...
I.D.C. Holding, a.s. (Historický názov: Investment Development Company Holding, akciová spoločnosť) Spoločnosť I.D.C. Holding, a.s. v roku 2023 znížila zisk o 38 % na 16,38 mil. € a tržby jej narástli o 22 % na 163,2 mil. €.
Acquisition of I.D.C. Holding Accelerates Valeo Foods Group’s …
LONDON, September 05, 2024 -- (BUSINESS WIRE)--Valeo Foods Group, one of Europe’s leading producers of quality sweets, treats and snacks, has agreed to acquire I.D.C. Holding, a major...
Acquisition of I.D.C. Holding Accelerates Valeo Foods Group’s …
2024年9月5日 · LONDON-- (BUSINESS WIRE)--Valeo Foods Group, one of Europe’s leading producers of quality sweets, treats and snacks, has agreed to acquire I.D.C. Holding, a major independent producer of...
Valeo Foods To Acquire Confectionery Firm I.D.C. Holding
2024年9月9日 · Valeo Foods Group has agreed to acquire I.D.C. Holding, a producer of wafers, biscuits, chocolates and other confectionery items in Central and Eastern Europe. The deal, subject to closing...
Valeo Foods Group completes acquisition of I.D.C. Holding
2025年1月10日 · Valeo Foods Group said I.D.C. Holding will be a “transformative addition” to its expanding portfolio of leading food brands that include Rowse, Kettle, Jacob's, Barratt and Balconi, and would form the cornerstone for its operations in …