What does "IDC" mean? - AmazingTalker
2022年12月16日 · IDC is often used as a casual, informal way to show disinterest or disregard for something. Here are usage examples to help you better understand this expression: "I don't feel like going out tonight. IDC what everyone else is doing." "I don't know what you're talking about. IDC." "IDC what you think. I'm going to do what I want."
What does "YOLO" mean? - AmazingTalker
2022年12月15日 · Meaning: Fear of missing out can be describes as an emotional response to the though that other people are having more fun, leading a better life or getting better oppurtunities. For example: Your friends are heading to the mall, they are going to have dinner and watch the new movie afterwards.
What does "OFC" mean? How to use it? - AmazingTalker
2022年12月4日 · What does "IDC" mean? 14 Answers. What is the meaning of "TTYT"? 26 Answers ... What is the meaning of ...
What does "I got you" mean? How to use it? - AmazingTalker
2022年12月29日 · Meaning #1: To look out for someone, or have someone's back. For example, when your mother is teaching you to cook for the first time, she will constantly check if you are doing okay. Perhaps you are unsure of yourself, your mother can say: "I got you" This gives you confidence knowing she will be there to help you when you need it. Meaning #2
What does "WYW" mean on Social Media like Tiktok?
2022年12月5日 · Another meaning is - Wish you well. Examples. 1. Whatever You Want- what do you want to do today. WYW, you choose, I'm easy. 2. What You want - It's your birthday tomorrow. WYW to do? 3. Wish you well - WYW in your new job.
What does "DM" mean on Social Media? - AmazingTalker
2022年12月15日 · What does "DM" mean?"DM" or "dm" is an abbreviation for "direct message". You will find it in social media used as a nou
What does "as above so below" mean - AmazingTalker
2022年11月24日 · What does "IDC" mean? 14 Answers. Related questions ... 10 Answers. What is the definition and meaning of ...
What does wyll mean? - AmazingTalker
2022年11月23日 · The meaning of “wyll” The meaning of wyll is “what you look like” Abbreviation and slang or text lingo. The answer to “wyll” will typically be: Describing your physically appearance. Supplying an image of yourself if you prefer.
Is it etc or ect? What is the difference between etc ... - AmazingTalker
2022年11月23日 · etc is derived from the Latin word, et cetera - meaning "and so on". Use: It used instead of completing a list of words. For example: I like cake, ice-cream, chocolate etc. Full word can also be used: At the zoo I saw elephants, lions, tigers bears, et cetera, et cetera. Repetition identifies that this list is very long. Error:
What does pov mean on social media? And on TikTok?
2022年11月27日 · What does "IDC" mean? 14 Answers Related questions ... What is the definition and meaning of "keen"? 41 ...