IEC 60156:2018
IEC 60156:2018 specifies the method for determining the dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids at power frequency. The test procedure is performed in a specified apparatus, where the oil sample is subjected to an increasing AC electrical field until breakdown occurs.
IEC-60156-2018绝缘油-击穿电压测定法(中文翻译) - 道客巴巴
2019年8月13日 · 本标准适用于测定 40℃粘度不大于350mm 2 /s 的各种绝缘油,适用于未使用过的绝缘油的交接试验,也适用于设备监测和保养时对试样状况的评定。 2 引用标准 下列标准所包含的条文,通过引用而成为本标准的一部分。 凡是注日期的引用文件,仅引用的版本适用。 凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括任何修正案)适用。 IEC 60475, 绝缘液体取样方法 3 术语和定义 本文档中未列出任何术语和定义。 4 电气设备 4.1 一般说明 电气设备由以下单元组 …
– 6 – IEC 60156:2018 RLV © IEC 2018 INTRODUCTION As normally applied, breakdown voltage of insulating liquids is not a basic material property but an empirical test procedure intended to indicate the presence of contaminants such as water and solid suspended matter and the advisability of carrying out drying and filtration a treatment.
– 6 – IEC 60156:2018 © IEC 2018 INTRODUCTION As normally applied, breakdown voltage of insulating liquids is not a basic material property but an empirical test procedure intended to indicate the presence of contaminants such as water and solid suspended matter and the advisability of carrying out drying and filtration a treatment.
EN IEC 60156:2025 - Insulating liquids - iTeh Standards
2025年3月13日 · IEC 60156:2025 specifies the method for determining the dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids at power frequency. The test procedure is performed in a specified apparatus, where the oil sample is subjected to an increasing AC …
- 评论数: 12
IEC 60156:2018 - Insulating liquids - Determination of the …
IEC 60156:2018 specifies the method for determining the dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids at power frequency. The test procedure is performed in a specified apparatus, where the oil sample is subjected to an increasing AC electrical field until breakdown occurs.
- 评论数: 16
IEC 60156:2018-绝缘液体 - 电源频率下的击穿电压的测定 - 测试方 …
2002年10月15日 · IEC 60156:2018 specifies the method for determining the dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids at power frequency. The test procedure is performed in a specified apparatus, where the oil sample is subjected to an increasing AC …
IEC 60156 - Insulating liquids - Determination of the breakdown …
2018年8月1日 · Published by IEC on June 1, 2020 This document provides specifications and test methods for unused and recycled mineral insulating oils (see Clause 3 for definitions). It applies to mineral oil delivered according to the contractual...
IEC 60156-2018绝缘油 击穿电压测定法(中文翻译) - 百度文库
iec 60156-2018绝缘油 击穿电压测定法(中文翻译) :电流或电压感应元件的灵敏度取决于能量限制设备,只能给出近似的参考。 如本文前一版所述,如对有机硅液体进行多次击穿时需要切断时间<100μs的装置。
IEC 60156-2018绝缘油 击穿电压测定法(中文翻译) - 文档之家
绝缘油击穿电压测定法gb/t 507--2002前言本标准等效采用国际标准iec 156:1995《绝缘油工频击穿电压测定法》,对gb/t507--1986《绝缘油介电强度测定法》进行修订标准与iec 156:1995的差异:1.部分引用标准采用我国相应现行国家标准;2.增加方法概要和试剂两章。
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