IEC 62196 - Wikipedia
IEC 62196-1 provides a general description of the interface between an electric vehicle and a charging station as well as general mechanical and electrical requirements and tests for plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets that are intended to be used for EV charging.
IEC 62196-1:2022
2022年5月3日 · IEC 62196-1:2022 is applicable to EV plugs, EV socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets, herein referred to as "accessories", and to cable assemblies for electric vehicles (EV) intended for use in conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding:
IEC 62196 Type 2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IEC 62196-2 Type 2 連接器(又稱 IEC 62196-2 Type 2 ( 英语 : IEC 62196#IEC 62196-2 ) 第二型;簡稱為Type 2)(通常稱為Mennekes,指的是設計開發公司)主要在歐洲和世界大部分國家/地區用於交流電 (AC)為電動汽車充電。
IEC 62196-1:2022 CMV-插头、插座、车辆连接器和车辆插孔.电动 …
2015年5月7日 · IEC 62196-1:2022 is applicable to EV plugs, EV socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets, herein referred to as "accessories", and to cable assemblies for electric vehicles (EV) intended for use in conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding:
一眼看懂新能源电动汽车国际充电标准的江湖(IEC 62196 & IEC …
2021年12月25日 · 在硬件层面, IEC 62196 为电动汽车(EV)定义了一组标准的充电接口从而保证各厂家的电动汽车和充电桩在物理层面上可以相互兼容。它定义了三种不同的充电枪插头(charging plug)和 汽车充电端口(Vehicle Inlet),如下图所示:
IEC 62196: The Global Standard for EV Charging Connectors
2024年10月14日 · EV owners will fear going on a long journey. And here IEC 62196 plays a vital role. This is a global standard that ensures every EV owner can plug in and recharge their electric vehicles with confidence, no matter what the types of plugs, vehicle inlets, vehicle connectors, and socket outlets. What Is IEC 62196?
IEC 62196-2 2022中文版资源介绍 - CSDN博客
2024年10月29日 · iec 62196-3:2022 适用于具有标准化配置的销和接触管的车辆耦合器,此处也称为“附件”,旨在用于包含控制装置的电动车辆传导充电系统,额定工作电压和电流在符合 iec 62196-1:2022。
KS R IEC 62196-1-2024-插头、插座、车辆连接器和车辆插座电动 …
该标准适用于电动汽车用插头、插座-插座、连接器、插头和电缆组件(它们被称为“附件”),这些组件的额定工作电压不超过以下值,用于内置控制手段的导电充电系统。 额定电流不超过250A的交流690V,50Hz至60Hz—额定电流不超过400A的直流1500V该元件只能安装培训学员(KSC IEC 60050-195的195-04-02)或熟练人员(KSC IEC 60050-195的195-04-01)。 这些元件和电缆组件在不同的电压和频率下工作,并且可能包含extra(low V-low-电压-EL-1)和IEC组件中规定的 …
Standard - IECEE
IEC 62196-1:2022 is applicable to EV plugs, EV socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets, herein referred to as "accessories", and to cable assemblies for electric vehicles (EV) intended for use in conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding:
IEC 62196-1:2022汽车充电插头插座/连接器标准要求
iec 62196-1:2022这一部分适用于电动汽车插头、插座、车辆连接器、车辆入口(此处称为“附件”),以及用于装有控制装置的导电充电系统的电动汽车(ev)电缆组件,额定电流不超过250安培的690伏交流50赫兹至60赫兹。