IEC 62264 - Wikipedia
IEC 62264 is an international standard for enterprise control system integration. This standard is based upon ANSI/ISA-95. IEC 62264 consists of the following parts detailed in separate IEC 62264 standard documents:
IEC 62264-1:2013 - Enterprise-control system integration — Part 1 ...
IEC 62264-1:2013 describes the manufacturing operations management domain (Level 3) and its activities, and the interface content and associated transactions within Level 3 and between Level 3 and Level 4.
ISA-95 Standard: Enterprise-Control System Integration
ISA-95, also known as ANSI/ISA-95 or IEC 62264, is an international set of standards aimed at integrating logistics systems with manufacturing control systems. It organizes technology and business processes into layers defined by activities taking place, and it outlines how an enterprise can set up an interface to communicate among these layers.
IECISO62264国际标准 - 百度文库
摘 要:本文全面介绍了IEC/ISO 62264系列国际标准的整体情况;详细阐述了该标准的核心技术内容;在此基础上分析与 探讨了该标准的主要贡献和价值;最后给出了针对该标准的展望与建议。 关键词:IEC/ISO62264 标准 信息化. 以及该标准的制定与修订等方面的问题。 流(以带箭头的实线段表示)。 图2中的粗虚线代表. I E C / I S O 62 2 6 4国际 标准的 前身是 美国仪 准,即GB/T 20720.1、GB/T 20720.2和GB/T 20720.3。 享的信息,即两者之 间相交 互的信息。 该 标准 …
International Standard IEC 62264-1 has been developed by subcommittee 65A: System aspects, of IEC technical committee 65: Industrial-process measurement and control, and by ISO technical committee 184/SC5: Architecture, communication and integration frameworks.
IEC 62264-5:2016
IEC 62264-5:2016 defines transactions in terms of information exchanges between applications performing business and manufacturing activities associated with Levels 3 and 4. The exchanges are intended to enable information collection, retrieval, transfer and storage in support of enterprise-control system integration.
IEC 62264-5:2016-企业控制系统集成 - 第5部分:业务到制造交易
2015年12月10日 · IEC 62264-5:2016 defines transactions in terms of information exchanges between applications performing business and manufacturing activities associated with Levels 3 and 4. The exchanges are intended to enable information collection, retrieval, transfer and storage in support of enterprise-control system integration.
IEC 62264-3:2016-企业控制系统集成 - 第3部分:制造运营管理的活 …
2016年12月16日 · iec 62264-3:2016定义了制造运营管理的活动模型,使企业系统能够控制系统集成。 本文件中定义的活动与IEC 62264-1中给出的对象模型定义一致。 建模活动在业务规划和物流职能(定义为4级职能)和过程控制职能(定义为IEC 62264的2级职能)之间运行- 1.本第二版取消 ...
工业控制系统安全入门与实践—从五层架构和安全标准说起 - 知乎
该标准参考iec 62264-1的层次结构模型划分,同时将scada系统、 dcs系统 和 plc系统 等模型的共性进行分类,共分为5个层级,依次为企业资源层、生产管理层、过程监控层、现场控制层和现场设备层,不同层级的实时性要求不同。
IEC 62264-1:2013
IEC 62264-1:2013 describes the manufacturing operations management domain (Level 3) and its activities, and the interface content and associated transactions within Level 3 and between Level 3 and Level 4.
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