IED Effectiveness Charts : r/Maplestory - Reddit
2021年3月22日 · I put together a spreadsheet that calculates the final damage increase for given values of IED and PDR. The charts will update with different input variables, so you can customize it to your situation.
IED calculator - GMS meta
20% IED. Hyper stats (level 10) 30% IED. Leafre codex 30% IED. Arcane weapon 20% IED. CRA hat 10% IED. CRA top 5% IED. CRA bot 5% IED. Ambition (level 100) 10% IED. BT card (rank SS) 5% IED. Blaster card (rank SS) 5% IED. Superior gollux set 30% IED. Monster park medal 10% IED. Legion 40% IED. Enhancement nodes
TBS-IED-1001 Given an operating environment with an IED threat, observation aiding devices and enablers, during daylight and limited visibility, identify indicators of improvised explosive...
how much iED do u need to do true damage to bosses? : r/Maplestory - Reddit
2023年3月17日 · At 96.66% IED you will be doing 90% of your damage to 300% def bosses, which is the standard for harder bosses. The way I found helpful is to visualize each 100% chunk of defense as a pizza/pie and you subtract your IED from it. So from each 100% you lose 3.33% damage, adding up to 10% at 300% defense.
IED Attack Fact Sheet - Homeland Security
2022年5月19日 · An improvised explosive device (IED) attack is the use of a "homemade" bomb and/or destructive device to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. IEDs are used by criminals, vandals, terrorists, suicide bombers, and insurgents.
How does IED work? : r/Maplestory - Reddit
2023年7月13日 · You can roll IED on your secondary and emblem, but eventually you'll want that replaced with either all of your classes attack stat, and maybe some boss dmg depending on the class. You also have to keep in mind that the IED you …
IED Calculator by Pearlite - GitHub Pages
A Simple Maplestory IED Calculator.
2025年2月13日 · This crosswalk shows how the skills listed in the IED-III cover the Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes, including the six bundles of skills that comprise each outcome. In addition, the IED-III age references the skills, which can be useful for age anchoring when Child Outcomes Summary (COS) teams determine ratings on the COS 7-point scale.
DHS-DOJ Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card - CISA
Developed in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-Department of Justice (DOJ) Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card is a quick reference guide providing recommended evacuation and shelter-in-place distances for various types and sizes of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).
Bomb threat stand-off chart. This chart offers information about how ...
RESULTS: The majority of IED victims are between the ages of 21-50 (n = 600, 66.1%), followed by 199 (21.9%) individuals under the age of 20 and 108 (11.9%) over 50. 65.1% (n=590) of the injured...