IEEE SA - IEEE/ISO/IEC 12207-2017 - IEEE Standards Association
2013年5月10日 · ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Systems and software engineering -- System life cycle processes, provides a common process framework covering the life cycle of human-made systems, from the conception of ideas through to the retirement of a system.
ISO/IEC 12207 - Wikipedia
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 divides software life cycle processes into four main process groups: agreement, organizational project-enabling, technical management, and technical processes.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 Systems and software engineering — …
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 also provides processes that can be employed for defining, controlling, and improving software life cycle processes within an organization or a project.
12207-2017 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - IEEE Xplore
2017年11月15日 · Scope: This International Standard establishes a common framework for software life cycle processes, with well defined terminology, that can be referenced by the software industry.
12207.1-1997 - IEEE/EIA Guide - Industry Implementation of ...
IEEE/EIA 12207.1 provides guidance for recording life cycle data resulting from the life cycle processes of IEEE/EIA 12207.0. Scope: The base document ISO/IEC 12207, establishes a common framework for software life cycle processes, with well-defined terminology, that can be referenced by the software industry.
IEEE SA - IEEE/ISO/IEC 12207-2008 - IEEE Standards Association
2007年9月27日 · This revision integrates ISO/IEC 12207:1995 with its two amendments and was coordinated with the parallel revision of ISO/IEC 15288:2002 (System life cycle processes) to align structure, terms, and corresponding organizational and project processes.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017-系统与软件工程 - 软件生命周期流程-国 …
iso/iec/ieee 12207:2017还提供了可用于定义、控制和改进组织或项目内的软件生命周期过程的过程。 本文档的流程、活动和任务也可在包含软件的系统的采购过程中单独应用,也可与ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015《系统和软件工程—系统生命周期流程》一起应用。
ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207(2017)系统与软件工程—系统生命周期过程 …
2024年10月15日 · iso/iec/ieee 12207(2017)标准定义了系统与软件工程领域的生命周期过程。 该标准为系统与软件的开发、运行、维护和退役提供了全面的指导框架。 通过遵循这一标准,组织可以确保其系统与软件工程过程的一致性、可重复性和高质量。
ISO/IEC/IEEE DIS 12207(en) - ISO - International Organization for ...
This second edition of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 12207:2017, which has been technically revised. The main changes are as follows: Clarifications and updates to reflect current practices in selected technical processes, including business or mission analysis, system architecture definition, implementation, integration ...
IEEE SA - IEEE/ISO/IEC P12207 - IEEE Standards Association
2023年9月21日 · This document establishes a common process framework for describing the full life cycle of software systems from conception through retirement. It applies to the acquisition or development of software products and services whether performed internally or externally to …