软件架构设计标准 (IEEE 1471 2000) ——极简教程 - 简书
2022年4月6日 · IEEE 1471 -2000,“软件密集型系统架构描述的推荐实践”,是软件架构领域的第一个正式标准。 它于 2007 年被 ISO 采用为ISO/IEC 42010:2007。 2011 年 11 月,IEEE 1471–2000 被ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011取代,“系统和软件工程 – 架构描述”(由 IEEE 和 ISO 联合发布)。 在IEEE 1471中,软件架构是关于“软件密集型系统”的架构,定义为“软件对整个系统的设计、构建、部署和演化产生重要影响的任何系统”, 2011 年版更进一步,包括ISO /IEC …
IEEE 1471 - Wikipedia
IEEE 1471 is a superseded IEEE standard for describing the architecture of a "software-intensive system", also known as software architecture. In 2011 it was superseded by ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, Systems and software engineering — Architecture description.
1471-2000 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural …
Scope: The purpose of this standard is to facilitate the expression and communication of architectures and thereby lay a foundation for quality and cost gains through standardization of elements and practices for architectural description.
Software architecture: introducing IEEE Standard 1471
IEEE 1471 focuses on both software intensive systems and more general systems, such as information systems, embedded systems, systems-of-systems, product lines, and product families in which software plays a substantial role in development, operation, or evolution.
IEEE SA - IEEE 1471-2000 - IEEE Standards Association
1996年6月20日 · IEEE Standard for Functional Modeling Language - Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0 Reaffirmed 2004. IDEF0 function modeling is designed to represent the decisions, actions, and activities of an existing or prospective organization or system.
1.2:IEEE 1471-2000是软件架构标准,软考系统架构师
IEEE 1471-2000,全称为IEEE's Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems,即“软件密集型系统架构描述的推荐实践”。 该标准由IEEE(电气和电子工程师协会)架构工作组制定,代表了工业界、其他标准化组织和学术界的意愿,并通过了超 …
2010年2月5日 · Expected scope of the new edition is as follows: This International Standard specifies the manner in which architecture descriptions of systems are organized and expressed. This International Standard specifies architecture viewpoints, architecture frameworks and architecture description languages for use in architecture descriptions.
IEEE 1471 focuses on both software-intensive systems and more general sys-tems, such as information systems, embedded systems, systems-of-systems, physical structure, works with the client to understand the building’s potential use and the client’s resources for construct-ing the building, and determines the con-straints that both the site and l...
IEEE 1471的软件系统架构描述 - CSDN博客
2019年3月16日 · 本文介绍了IEEE 1471标准,旨在规范软件架构的表达与交流,重点关注密集型系统。 内容涵盖体系结构要素、关系、视图设计以及与ISO 42010的关联,强调了软件架构文档的重要性,提供了利益相关者、关注点、视图等方面的详细解释。 IEEE 1471的软件系统架构描述. IEEE 1471发布于2000年,其目标在于方便 体系结构 的表达与交流,并通过体系结构要素及其实践标准化,奠定质量与成本的基础。 什么是密集型系统呢? 1471中的框架标准,主要是针对 …
ANSI/IEEE 1471 was conceived as a software-focused standard, this paper argues that it is equally applicable to any system; hence appropriate for use as a part of systems engineering to describe system architectures. This article reviews the concepts of ANSI/IEEE 1471, the rationale for their selection, and demonstrates its application in
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