Ieee 81 | Information by Electrical Professionals for Electrical ...
2008年2月12日 · My apologies, the specs state that each grounding point shall be tested with a megger test. It then goes on to state "Perform test by the 2-point method in accordance with Section 9.03 of IEEE 81". What should I expect to see with this type of test. The facility is silicone manufacturing with alot of mixing and batching of material.
IEEE 81 | Information by Electrical Professionals for Electrical ...
2003年8月13日 · Re: IEEE 81 Brian, Great information. Thanks for the advise. I have the equipment. Done the test years ago. Always wanting to learn somethi
IEEE Ground Grid | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
2019年1月4日 · I don't see somewhere in IEEE 80/2013 a such limitation of the grid depth. From IEEE 80/2013 in clause 9.2 the "shallow depth (usually 0.3 m to 0.5 m [12 in to 18 in] below grade)" is required indeed, if the freezing it is not plausible and it …
How to calculate resistance of grounding system?
2025年3月7日 · As others have mentioned, it is likely asking for 10 ohms or less from the ground bar to the earth, which you would perform a fall of potential test per IEEE 81. The ground bar conductor to the grounding electrode system is almost insignificant.
25 OHMS for grounding. | Information by Electrical Professionals …
2013年11月26日 · Perform fall-of-potential or alternative test in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 81 on the maingrounding electrode or system.3. Perform point-to-point tests to determine the resistance between the main grounding system andall major electrical equipment frames, system neutral, and derived neutral points.
Lightning Protection and Ground Rods | Information by Electrical ...
2006年5月5日 · The IEC Technical Committee 81 responsible for lightning protection of structures has published hypothetical scenarios for the division of lightning current for structures struck by lightning using both lightning protection, surge protection devices, and employing proper NEC required service...
symbology of drawings | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
2018年5月5日 · ANSI Y32.2-1975 (also known as IEEE Std 315-1975 or CSA Z99-1975) IEEE Std 91/91a: graphic symbols for logic functions (used in digital electronics). It is referenced in ANSI Y32.2/IEEE Std 315. Australian Standard AS 1102.
VFD Surging | Information by Electrical Professionals for Electrical ...
2010年1月13日 · We retrofitted a furnace a few months ago by adding two 125 HP forced draft fans. One fan is driven by a 125# steam turbine and the other has a 1200 RPM IEEE 841 motor with an AB Powerflex 755 drive. They are redundant - only one fan is required to run at around 60% speed to maintain proper airflow into the furnace.
Published X/R Ratios | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
2025年1月6日 · Assume you want to include motors, as you should. Search for the IEEE formula that will allow to develop each of your motor values. Transformers have standard published X/R values. You will need to practice how to move your calculation either up or down the one-line THROUGH the transformer depending on what POINT on the one-line you are ...
HRG sizing | Information by Electrical Professionals for Electrical ...
2012年12月6日 · The reference I use is an IEEE paper on "High-Resistance Grounding", by Baldwin Bridger, 1983. It gives good methods for estimating the capacitive charging current, and sizing the grounding resistor. It also contains a section on field measuring capacitive charging current. A google search will turn up a copy with out having to go to the IEEE. ice