CFD | Services | IES
Our range of expert Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) services consider airflow at the microscopic level. Helping you test and optimise your design in detail to achieve better performance levels in terms of comfort, health and safety, energy and costs.
CFD Software | IES Virtual Environment
2023年2月7日 · IES’s CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software offers in-depth analysis of airflow and heat transfer in and around buildings with dynamic visuals.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) - Integrated Environmental Solutions …
This Section describes how to undertake internal or external air flow and thermal studies using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Applications MicroFlo-CFD - Integrated Environmental Solutions …
Undertake internal or external air flow and thermal studies using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). MicroFlo gives designers the opportunity to understand in detail airflow patterns within, or external to, a building from natural and or forced air ventilation.
IES <VE>-集成化建筑性能模拟分析软件概述 - 知乎
IES <Virtual Environment> (以下简称IES <VE>)是由英国IES公司开发的集成化建筑性能模拟分析软件,目前在欧美同类软件中排名第一。 被世界上各个知名的设计单位和工程咨询单位所使用,如Arup(奥雅纳…
IESVE绿建仿真软件简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
英国 IES公司 旗下的建筑性能模拟分析软件 Virtual Environment (VE),为建筑师、工程师、咨询顾问等提供模型、能耗、空调系统、自然通风、日照、采光、CFD、逃生、 LEED 、BREEAM认证等各个方面的建筑性能集成化分析解决方案,创造可持续发展的生态环境。
能耗模拟软件简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
除了能耗模拟,ies ve也可以做室内室外的 cfd 模拟;也可以对室内的照明进行分析。功能比较齐全,在一个软件里面可以做到3d模型建立,能耗模拟,cfd模拟,光照模拟,而且之间数据互通,比如能耗模拟的结果可以直接导入到cfd模拟里作为边界条件。
Using IESVE for CFD Studies
This 1-hour webinar will de-mystify the use of CFD analysis with MicroFlo-CFD, IESVE’s integrated CFD airflow application. We’ll show you how you can get started with CFD quickly and easily and share data and results between other IESVE applications without the need for complicated imports or exports.
Computational Fluid Dynamics | IES On-Demand Learning
This course provides guidance on how to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) airflow simulations to evaluate occupant comfort and overheating potential. There are demonstrations on how to import boundary conditions, and on particle tracking and the evaluation of CO as indicative of airborne pollutants.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is concerned with the numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer processes.