IÉSEG School of Management - Business School in France (Paris
IÉSEG School of Management is one of the top Business Schools in France, ranked 21st in the world by the Financial Times. Discover our school.
IÉSEG School of Management, Grande École de Commerce à Paris …
IÉSEG, La Grande École de Commerce reconnue en France et à l’international, détentrice de la triple accréditation : EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA.
Programmes - IÉSEG
Programme Grande École. Le Programme Grande École de l’IÉSEG en 5 ans, est composé de 2 cycles : un cycle Bachelor en 3 ans, puis un cycle Master en 2 ans. Le programme permet aux étudiants d’acquérir de solides connaissances tout en développant leurs compétences à travers de nombreuses opportunités de mise en pratique. À l’issue de ce programme, ils obtiennent le …
Free Software / Licence – IÉSEG - Help Center - mysupport.ieseg.fr
Here you can find all the software provided by IESEG : Article doesn't solve the problem? Click here
Accreditations & labels - IÉSEG
By obtaining the Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditation, IÉSEG School of Management today joins an elite group of international business schools (less than 1% in the world) that hold the “triple crown” of international accreditations (AMBA, AACSB, EQUIS).
Cycle Master Programme Grande École - IÉSEG
Présentation Cycle Master programme grande école. Le cycle Master du Programme Grande École permet aux étudiants d’approfondir un domaine en lien avec leur projet professionnel tout en proposant de nombreux cours de tronc commun pertinents au regard des préoccupations des entreprises (data visualization, intelligence artificielle, leadership positif, RSE, gestion du …
Master Cycle of the Grande École Program - IÉSEG
Master Cycle: 2 years to develop essential skills for a professional career. The Master Cycle of the Grande École Program allows students to dive into a domain related to their professional project by offering them numerous core courses relevant to company-related issues (data visualization, artificial intelligence, positive leadership, CSR, change management, etc.).
Printing Guide - Students – IÉSEG - Help Center - mysupport.ieseg.fr
From your phone or laptop: send your files from your IESEG email to [email protected]. (To print your document in color, please add "#couleur" to the name of your document). On IESEG computers, by choosing "SecurePrint on safeqsiteL"
Master in AI & Data Analytics for Business - IÉSEG
Master Degree. Upon successful completion of the program (120 ECTS), students get the State-recognized ‘Grade de Master’ for this Postgraduate program (“DESMI – Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées en Management International”), with the specialization “AI & Data Analytics for Business”.. The degree is delivered by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, …
My Tools - Welcome to IÉSEG
my.ieseg.fr . MyStudies. The MyStudies platform is your personal online space. It contains all information relating to your studies at IÉSEG. You will find the following sections: My schedule, My courses, My grades, My absences, My certificate of attendance, etc. Your parents can also access this site.