IET Labs a World Standard In Metrology - Home Page
Since 1976, IET Labs has been providing our customers with the world’s best resistance, capacitance and inductance standards. In 2000, IET Labs acquired the GenRad standards, impedance decades, megohmmeters, digibridges, audio and strobe lines and now continues to manufacture, service and support these "In the Genrad Tradition..."
IET labs,GenRad,esi丨GenRad ,IET中国官网
IET中国官网丨since1976 2000年IET收购行业巨头GenRad;2006年收购esi电阻产品线
LCR Meter -Full Line of LCR Meters for any Application - IET Labs
IET Labs manufactures a complete line of LCR Meters, impedance meters, capacitance meters available…from the laboratory grade IET/GenRad 1693, the 2 MHz IET/QuadTech 7600+ to the full featured, yet economical DE-5000 Handheld LCR meter.
GenRad 1433 Series Decade Resistor - IET Labs
IET continues to produce the 1433 Series Decade Resistors to the same exacting specs as GenRad. The 1433 Decade Resistor is available in 3 to 11 decades, from 0.001 ohms to 100 Mohms per step, in a single housing .
IET Labs, Inc - About Us
通过结合GenRad,esi和IET数百人年的工程经验,我们已成为世界上最优秀的阻抗仪器制造商,提供从最具成本效益到最稳定的电气标准。 IET制造商提供以下类别的电容,电感和电阻标准 主要标准 二级标准 工作标准
微歐表-微歐表選擇指南-IET Labs
IET Labs为精密低电阻测量提供出色的解决方案。 IET Labs为您的应用提供微欧姆表。 精度高达0.02%,具有成本效益的定价
IET Labs - Contact Information and Locations
IET Labs manufactures, repairs and supports the GenRad Instrument Line. Products include resistance, capacitance, inductance, decade boxes, standards, stroboscopes, sound level meters, RTD simulators, current/voltage source, voltage dividers and ohmmeters. IET Labs has become the world’s standard in metrology.
1888 Ultra Precision Megohmmeter/High Resistance Meter - IET Labs
Precision Measurements: The IET Labs 1888 Megohmmeter/High Resistance Meter provides resistance measurement capability from 1 kΩ to greater than 100 TΩ (test voltage dependent) with a basic accuracy of 0.3% *.
IET Labs是什么品牌?_美国IET Labs-HaiQe.海奇工品
2006年,IET收购了ESI,成功合并了两个最重要的经典阻抗的公司。 通过ESI和IET的工程经验,他们已经成为世界上最杰出的阻抗零件生产厂家,根据成本效益的电气标准提供产品。
esi / Tegam DB62 Decade Resistor - IET Labs
IET has improved the specifications on esi/Tegam's DB62 decade resistor. These Decade Resistors are primarily intended for precision measurement applications where their excellent accuracy of ±0.01%, stability, and low zero resistance are important.