IFA | automotive supplier for drive shafts & joints
The IFA group is a rapidly growing automotive supplier. Drive shafts and joints are our core business. We are within the global Top 3 among drive shaft makers. IFA delivers to all car …
IFA Auto - Facebook
IFA Auto Insurance Company (IFA) is a private passenger auto insurance company with over 40 years of experience in the industry.
IFA F9 - Wikipedia
The IFA F9, subsequently rebadged as the EMW 309, is a compact saloon manufactured under the auspices of the Russian and East German states between 1949 or 1950 and 1956. It was …
Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau - Wikipedia
Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau (lit. 'Industrial Association for Vehicle Construction'), usually abbreviated as IFA, was a conglomerate and a union of companies for vehicle construction in …
All about IFA
IFA is market leader for propeller shafts in Europe and in the United States of America. We aim to grow to be ranked among the Top 100 largest automotive parts suppliers worldwide.
IFA Group - Wikipedia
IFA Group develops, produces and sells cardan shafts and side shafts for the automotive industry. It consists of eight companies and has production plants in Europe, Asia and the US (as at the …
Innovation | IFA - Group
IFA reinforces propeller shafts and drive shafts for use in hybrid vehicles, which generate especially high values of torque. By using special alloy steel and thin-wall tubes, the weight …
Ifa – ”automerkkien häpeäpilkku” - Ilta-Sanomat
Ifa on lyhennys nimestä Industrievereinigung Volkseigener Fahrzeugwerke, Kansallistettujen ajoneuvotehtaiden teollisuusyhtymä. Ifan nimen alla tehtiin autojen lisäksi muun muassa …
Päivän museoauto: IFA F9 1953 - Autotoday
2019年10月15日 · IFA F9 on vuosina 1949-1956 valmistettu pienikokoinen kaksiovinen auto. IFA-autoja tuotiin Suomeen ja sitä myytiin suhteellisen paljon, koska itäautojen tuontia ei rajoitettu.
With 2,200 employees, IFA develops and produces longitudinal shafts, side shafts, joints and components for well-known automobile manufacturers. Its customers include BMW, Ferrari, …