Bronze Head from Ife - Wikipedia
The Bronze Head from Ife, or Ife Head, [2] is one of eighteen copper alloy sculptures that were unearthed in 1938 at Ife in Nigeria, the religious and royal centre of the Yoruba people.
sculpture - British Museum
Brass (heavily leaded zinc-brass) head cast using the lost wax (cire perdue) technique. The head is a little under life size and is made in a naturalistic style. It has a headdress, suggesting a crown, of complex construction. The main tubular section of the crown runs around the head in a three-layer composition. The upper layer has a band of four horizontal rectangles representing flat ...
Ife bronze heads: The Symbolic Power of Ife's Ancient Sculptures
2024年6月7日 · The Ife bronze heads, ancient sculptures from the city of Ife in present-day Nigeria, serve as powerful symbols of political power and cultural identity. These remarkable artworks provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of governance and social hierarchy in ancient African societies.
Head of a ruler, Ife - Smarthistory
Ife head: Brass head of a ruler, 1300–1450, brass, made in Ife, 35 cm high (© Trustees of the British Museum) This magnificent brass head was one of those discovered in Wunmonije Compound. The identification and function of the head, and the others discovered at this site, remain uncertain.
Nigerian Treasures: Ife heads - National Geographic
2021年9月9日 · Nearly a thousand years ago, Ife artisans sculpted bronze and terra-cotta heads, whose realism and beauty would astound the first Europeans to see them in the 1900s.
Kingdom of Ife: Sculptures from West Africa - Smarthistory
Ife was home to many sacred groves located in the city’s forests. Two groves, in particular, have revealed numerous sculptures: the Ore Grove with its stone monoliths and human and animal figures, and the Iwinrin Grove, which is associated with …
The Splendors of the kingdoms of Ife and Benin - ARTKAREL
Bronze and terracotta heads excavated in Ife, Nigeria, (XIIth-XIVth Century). The breathtaking beauty of the XIIth century bronze heads of Ife (Nigeria) challenge the colonial view that Africa was a virgin continent, populated by animals and a few primitive tribes which failed walking their first steps into « history ».
Ife Bronzes Details - africanpedia.com
Collection of naturalistic brass and copper sculptures and heads created by Yoruba people of ancient Ife (Nigeria). Renowned for intricate details and lifelike human figures with distinct facial features, hairstyles, and jewelry.
Bronze Heads of Ife - RefinedNG
2020年5月23日 · One of its most popular art are its life-sized metal head sculptures. Although still widely referred to as the “bronze heads of Ife”, they are actually cast in brass and sometimes pure copper, which is technically much more difficult to achieve. Eighteen of them were unearthed at the Wunmonije Compound in Ife in 1939, by the British.
The Ife Bronze Head from Ile Ifę or Ifę Head is one of the eighteen alloy sculptures that were unearthed in 1938 at the Wunmonije Compound during excavation house building works in Ile Ifę, Nigeria, the religious and former royal centre of the Yoruba people.