TMS Reveals Dynamic Interaction between Inferior Frontal …
2021年12月15日 · The present study addressed this issue by using inhibitory double-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation over the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) or left posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) in one of eight 40 ms time windows (TWs) (3 TWs before and 5 TWs after the identification point of speech), when human participants (12 females, 14 ...
No effects of 1 Hz offline TMS on performance in the stop
2023年7月18日 · Results showed that 1 Hz offline TMS over the right DLPFC and the right IFG at 110% intensity of the resting motor threshold had no effect on performance in the SSG. In fact, evidence in favor...
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation over Left Inferior Frontal and ...
In the current study, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a method that is ideally suited to identify causal brain-behavior relationships. This allowed us to disrupt activity in either left IFG or pMTG and observe its effect on gesture-speech integration.
Chronometric TMS-fMRI of personalized left dorsolateral …
2024年3月26日 · Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied to a left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) area with a specific connectivity profile to the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex...
TMS disruption of the lateral prefrontal cortex increases neural ...
2023年11月23日 · TMS delivered over the right IFG reduced the positive neural activity in the left IFG and increased the negative neural activity in the right SFG, right angular gyrus and bilateral middle cingulate cortex (components of the default mode network).
TMS Reveals Dynamic Interaction between Inferior Frontal Gyrus …
2021年12月15日 · Findings suggest a pMTG-IFG-pMTG neurocircuit loop in gesture-speech integration, which deepens current knowledge and inspires future investigation of the temporal dynamics and cognitive processes of the amodal semantic network.
The Neural Organization of Semantic Control: TMS Evidence for a ...
2010年9月17日 · In the present study, we sought evidence for a wider neural network underpinning semantic control by using TMS to produce virtual lesions within 2 sites, left IFG and pMTG, in healthy participants. We explored the effect of TMS on semantic decisions that varied in their requirement for controlled semantic retrieval.
Prefrontal Control over Motor Cortex Cycles at Beta Frequency …
2014年12月15日 · The real-time activity of right inferior frontal gyrus/left primary motor cortex (r-IFG/l-M1) and right presupplementary motor area/left primary motor cortex (r-preSMA/l-M1) connections was tested in healthy volunteers by double-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during the early response period of a simple visually cued Go/NoGo task ...
Brain stimulation and inhibitory control - ScienceDirect
2012年4月1日 · Brain stimulation studies involving both TMS and tDCS have been carried out and suggest that areas including pre-SMA, IFG and FEF may be involved in successful inhibitory control, although it remains to be determined how restricted to inhibitory control that several of these regions are limited too.
左侧额下回 (IFG) 经颅磁刺激 (TMS)、左侧顶下 ... - ICH GCP
2020年11月19日 · 该项目将研究经颅磁刺激 (TMS) 的应用,目的是调节健康受试者的创造力表现。 将测量在 TMS 前后获得的静息状态脑电图 (EEG) 以及参与者的创造性表现。