IG-88A | Wookieepedia | Fandom
IG-88A [1] was one of five identical IG-88 assassin droids [2] that, according to legend, were created by Holowan Laboratories during a secret Imperial project [1] known as the Project …
IG-88A | Wookieepedia | Fandom
IG-88A was the first of the IG-88 assassin droid models. Created by Holowan Laboratories as part of a secret Imperial project known as the Project Phlutdroid commissioned by Supervisor …
IG-88 - 百度百科
IG-88是帝国的霍洛万实验室中研制的杀手机器人,后来严重失控,妄图建立一个机器人优于有机生命的世界,但最终4具身体IG-88A、B、C和D全部被消灭,其中3个都毁于波巴·费特,最后 …
IG-88 assassin droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
IG-88, also known as the IG-series assassin droid or IG-series combat prototype, was an assassin droid line designed by Holowan Laboratories. The IG-88 line was a derivative of the …
IG-88A - Fictional Characters Wiki
IG-88A was the first of the IG-88 assassin droid models. Created by Holowan Laboratories as part of a secret Imperial project commissioned by Supervisor Gurdun, IG-88A had a violent …
IG-88A - X-Wing Miniatures Wiki
IG-88A was the first of the IG-88 assassin droid models. Created by Holowan Laboratories as part of a secret Imperial project commissioned by Supervisor Gurdun, IG-88A had a violent …
IG-88 - Databank - 星球大战中文网 Star Wars China - Powered by …
2012年5月2日 · After activating and downloading his consciousness into three mechanical "clones," IG-88 was able to quickly spread his brand of mayhem across the galaxy. The four …
IG-88A - スター・ウォーズの鉄人! - starwars.jp
IG-88A は、 IG-88 暗殺ドロイド の最初の1体である。 ガーダン 監督官 によって命じられた 帝国軍 の秘密計画の一環として ホロワン研究所 で作られたIG-88Aは、暴力的な目覚めを迎え …
IG-88A | StarWars3inchuniverse Wiki | Fandom
IG-88A was the first of the IG-88 assassin droid models. Created by Holowan Laboratories as part of a secret Galactic Empire|Imperial project commissioned by Supervisor Gurdun, IG-88A had …
IG 88 (Character) - Comic Vine
IG-88, aka the Phlutdroid, is also reportedly operating as IG-88A, IG-88B, IG-88C, or IG-88D (having merged its programming with three other Holowan IG assassin droids, thus operating...