p:IGI+ - IGI - IGI Ltd
Import of text, Excel and p:IGI-3 data, with an easy to use, semi-automated import system with full alias support. Import well data including deviation surveys, stratigraphy, temperature data and …
p:IGI-3 - IGI - IGI Ltd
p:IGI-3 comprises an expanded geochemical data structure, alongside a dynamic multidimensional visualisation and interpretation tool with elegant graphing capabilities. The …
Home - IGI
Established in 1983, IGI Ltd is a geochemical consultancy and producer of geochemical interpretation and data management software. Operating worldwide, we offer the following …
Project I.G.I.: I'm Going In Nexus - Mods and community
2023年8月24日 · An advanced work-in-progress tool designed to revolutionize the way you interact with game assets for all versions of the iconic games Project IGI 1 and 2.
Project IGI | PIGI | Mods & Resources - GameBanana
Project IGI - Mods & Resources by the PIGI Modding Community.
p:IGI+ User Guide - The IGI user guides - IGI Ltd
We have built p:IGI+ to be as intuitive to use as we can make it, so hopefully this guide will remain relatively short. A series of useful resources can be found on the download page. We also …
Game files - Mods for Project IGI. - GameBanana
Game files Mods for Project IGI (PIGI) Ads keep us online. Without them, we wouldn't exist. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will. But every month we have large bills and …
Project I.G.I. - Wikipedia
Former British SAS agent David Llewellyn Jones is sent by the Pentagon to Tallinn, Estonia, where he is to track down and extract a kidnapped Estonian arms dealer Josef Priboi, who has …
p:IGI+ downloads - IGI - IGI Ltd
We have updated the UK public geochemistry data release to be compatible with p:IGI+2.5. These are split into 5 files which are provided as a single zip file which can be downloaded …
p:IGI+ Demo Project - The IGI user guides
With each release of p:IGI+, IGI provides a demonstration project file already populated with data. This ensures there is no barrier to use for current or new users wishing to evaluate the …