Discovery IGS 7 OR for Hybrid OR | GE HealthCare (United States)
With a full 129 cm (50 in) SID (Source to Image Distance), the Discovery IGS 7 OR features one of the largest bore among major angiography providers. It provides collision-free 3D imaging to let you image large patients easily and perform cone-beam CT acquisition even for patients with arms down and intubated. 5
Allia™ IGS 7 with AutoRight™ - GE Healthcare
Allia IGS 7 assists you to perform tasks naturally in a personalized workplace, so that nothing comes between you and the patient for an effortless and efficient procedure. We are so proud to announce that the Allia IGS 7 has achieved international recognition as a recent recipient of the Red Dot Design Award: Product Design 2022.
Allia™ Image Guided Systems - GE Healthcare
Allia IGS 5 and Allia IGS 7, a trusted assistant for image guided therapies assists you to perform tasks naturally in a personalized workplace, so that nothing comes between you and the patient for an effortless and efficient procedure.
Getinge 和 GE 医疗已经联合开发了一种高度灵活的复合手术室解 …
Getinge 和 GE 医疗已经联合开发了一种高度灵活的复合手术室解决方案,将 GE 强大的 Discovery IGS 7 手术室移动式血管造影系统与 Getinge 的通用 Maquet Magnus 手术床系统相结合。
Interventional Image Guided Systems - GE Healthcare
The IGS 7 upgrade kit helps provide next level imaging by adopting features available on newer GE IGS platforms. At GE HealthCare, we provide hardware and software upgrade solutions so that our customers’ middle age systems can benefit from optimized and new features*.
用于复合手术室的 Discovery IGS 7 | gehealthcare网
Discovery IGS 7 搭载高清3DCT HD,术中快速扫描,及时判断颅内出血情况,或者阶段性评估手术治疗效果。 3DCT HD采用小焦点设计,具备更高的空间分辨率和密度分辨率,同时提供3DVR、3DMIP及多断面的精细图像细节,帮助您清晰地呈现细小血管、微小植入物及软组织。
IGS 7. Meet your . trusted assistant. for image guided therapies. With . Allia. TM. IGS 7, we’re . introducing an assistant, a new team . member present when and where you need it. Set your destination and navigate on autopilot. Provides the right image at the right . dose automatically. Augment your outcomes . with Augmented reality ...
Allia™ IGS 7 with AutoRight™ - GE Healthcare
Allia IGS 7 assists you to perform tasks naturally in a personalized workplace, so that nothing comes between you and the patient for an effortless and efficient procedure. We have collaborated with clinicians to completely redesign the image guided therapy suite focusing on ergonomy, ease-of-use and workflow efficiency.
Getinge and GE Healthcare have jointly developed a highly flexible ...
Getinge and GE Healthcare have jointly developed a highly flexible Hybrid OR solution that combines GE’s powerful Allia IGS 7 OR mobile angiography system with Getinge’s versatile Maquet Magnus OR table system. The combined solution expands the clinical breadth of the Hybrid OR to fit the needs of virtually any surgery and interventional ...
Allia IGS7 Allia IGS 7 OR SW Pack IGS7_7.3.0, Interventional Image ...
Each GE HealthCare detector, probe, tube or image intensifier ("Specialty Component") will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, and will perform substantially in accordance with GE HealthCare’s written specifications (as they exist on the date the Specialty Component is shipped) for the time-period ident...