鈊象電子股份有限公司EN - IGS
International Games System Co., Ltd. was officially established in 1991. In response to immense market opportunities in arcade games, IGS established and continued its own brand and independent R&D of key technologies as it aims to emerge as a well-known game developer in the Chinese market.
IGS PolyGame Master - Wikipedia
The IGS PolyGame Master is an arcade system released by IGS in 1997. [1] It features many video games, the most notable of which are the titles from the Knights of Valour series. In April 2023, IGS released the IGS Classic Arcade Collection on the Nintendo Switch, a compilation of eight games originally created for the IGS PolyGame Master. [2]
Arcade Games - International Games System Co., Ltd.
International Games System Co., Ltd. was officially established in 1991. In response to immense market opportunities in arcade games,IGS established and continued its own brand and independent R&D of key technologies as it aims to emerge as a well-known game developer in the Chinese market.
《唯舞獨尊》不僅是一般的線上音樂跳舞遊戲, 更是一款結合時尚流行趨勢及結交好友的娛樂平台。 這將是一款以時尚,前衛,流行,個性為一體的全新遊戲。 『撞球好手』專為喜好撞球的玩家量身打造,最真實物理碰撞的模擬技術,並營造出在撞球俱樂部的超High氛圍,喜好休閒撞球的您,絕對不可錯過! 機器人對戰兒童卡牌遊戲,每次都可以得到一張卡牌,自由搭配牌組決定機甲和駕駛員。 利用猜拳指揮機甲,猜贏攻擊對手,連續猜贏發動必殺技。 《明星3缺1》麻將、撲 …
IGS(International Games System、鈊象电子股份有限公司)是一家总部设于台湾的游戏公司。 成立于1991年,代表作品有《三国战纪》系列,《西游释厄传》等。 第一希望模拟机的市占率能达成全球第一:过去这个高阶市场领域由日本厂商所独占,鈊象电子凭着过去累积的技术与经验,以优异的游戏性、文化亲和力与价格优势,不仅打破日本产品独占的局面,更成为华人地区的第一品牌,但若要成为世界级游戏公司,便要无畏挑战坚强对手,相信以华人的智慧与实力,这 …
鈊象電子 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
鈊象電子股份有限公司(International Games System Co., Ltd.),簡稱IGS,是一家於1989年創立於台灣的公司,以製作電子遊戲為主要業務。 其著名作品有《 三國戰記 》系列、《 明星3缺1 》、《 唯舞獨尊Online 》等。
IGS Classic Arcade Collection - Nintendo
A collection of 8 IGS classic popular arcade games has made its debut, allowing players to recall their childhood memories! The collection includes multiple series of "Knights of Valour"...
IGS PolyGame Master - Arcade Otaku Wiki
The IGS PolyGame Master is an arcade system released by IGS in 1997. Designed to rival the SNK Neo Geo MVS, it borrows many design elements from the MVS, such as a cartridge system. Later on in the IGS PGM life cycle, some games were released in both cartridge form and single PCB form, similar to the MVS single PCB games.
International Games System Co., Ltd. - MobyGames
IGS finishes development on its PolyGame Master (PGM) arcade system. Company formally established. Company founded. No.130, Wugong Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City 248, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
IGS Classic Arcade Collection | IGS經典街機合集
2024年8月8日 · A collection of 8 IGS classic popular arcade games has made its debut, allowing players to recall their childhood memories! The collection includes multiple series of "Knights of Valour" games, and all support online multiplayer warfare. It also includes popular arcade games such as "Oriental Legend" and "Martial Masters".