Integrated Gas System (IGS) | FITOK - FITOK Group
2020年6月24日 · FITOK Integrated Gas System (IGS) adopts surface mount components conforming to SEMI standard for modular design, which makes installation and maintenance simpler while reducing the size of the system.
IGS标准通气基座 - fortune-semi.com
igs标准通气基座采用模块化设计,具备符合semi标准的可靠的密封与耐腐蚀能力。 用户根据不同的气体配置需求,可构建紧凑的并方便安装维护的气体传输系统结构。
模块化气体系统(IGS) | FITOK,飞托克 - FITOK Group
2020年6月24日 · 模块化气体系统 (Integrated Gas System) 是一种半导体行业用于气体控制的设备。 随着半导体制程工艺越来越先进,对气体控制设备的要求也越来越高。 FITOK 模块化气体系统采用符合 SEMI 标准的表面安装元件,进行模块化设计,在缩小设备体积的同时,安装和维护反而变得更简单。 根据客户 PID 图,用标准的基块、阀门(隔膜阀、单向阀、减压阀)、流量计、过滤器、压力传感器等元件,在面板上采用搭积木的方式即可完成设计。 所有元件均采用符合 …
IGS > IGS | PFK Instrument
.PFK has absolute advantage in production within the due date, quality and cost especially at semiconductor device temperature measuring solution, Gas Supply Solution, safety monitoring Solution. .Design structure of IGS (Integrated Gas Supply) Panel itself.
该系列高纯气体控制组件主要由隔膜阀、减压阀和压力表等配件组成,通过将这些组件进行一体化集成,减少现场连接。 飞托克从材料、焊接和清洁等方面严格要求工艺规范,确保产品满足半导体制造行业对管阀件高洁净度、高性能的要求。 采用符合 SEMI F20 标准的高纯净不锈钢材料加工制造,浸润面 经过 EP 处理,平均内表面粗糙度 Ra 0.25 μm (10 μin.) 尺寸以 in. (mm) 为单位,仅供参考。 注:最大出口压力范围可以设定在 250 psig 以下的任意值。 AGL 系列常规气体控制组件,可实 …
The Swagelok IGC II System Configurator is available to simplify the layout, selection, and ordering of IGC II components. The Configurator can be downloaded from www.swagelok.com. The assembly provides the flow path for the process gas through the gas stick.
Gas Fluid Panels | Ichor Systems
Integrated Gas Delivery Systems (IGS) have become the new standard in Gas Delivery Platforms. IGS systems reduce maintenance times and improve uptime, and the Talon IGS (called TMS®, Talon Modular System) has become the industry standard for gas and liquid delivery systems.
FITOK 模块化气体系统 (Integrated Gas System) 是一种用于半导体行业气体控制的集成系统,集成了阀门、接头等管道元件以及其它必要的测量与控制仪器。 模块化气体系统采用符合 SEMI 标准的表面安装元件,进行模块化设计,在缩小设备体积的同时,安装和维护反而变得更简单。 体积约为传统面板的 1/3, 流道尺寸相应缩小, 有利于控制沾污。 每个密封面都有检漏孔。 IGS 系统选用镀银螺栓安装,防咬死。 镀银螺栓可单独订货,型号: BL-M4×10 (长 10 mm) BL-M4×30 (长 30 mm)更多 …
[세미콘코리아 2023] 유니락, 밸브 전문 기업
유니락은 이번 전시회를 통해 고성능 igs 밸브, 통합 가스 시스템 모듈, igs stick 제품을 소개했다. 3일간 진행되는 20여개 콘퍼런스에는 글로벌 반도체 공급망에 속한 대표 기업이 참여하여 첨단 반도체 제조 기술을 비롯해 기술 과제 해결책을 제시한다. 70여개 ...
IGS (Integrated Gas System) by TK FUJIKIN - Komachine
TK-FUJIKIN has been supplied valves, regulators, gas filters, gas sticks and IGS (Integrated Gas System) of the gas panel through localization of UHP fittings in Semiconductor and FPD applications, which all components had been relied on imported products so far, and also, has well-known company as specializing in parts, that has been ...