IHMC giving Atlas a leg up
2015年9月2日 · Through funding from DARPA, which provided the Atlas robots to the various teams, IHMC is now open sourcing its bipedal walking software for Atlas so that other research teams can use it on their robot.
波士顿动力机器人再进化:Atlas会过独木桥了!(视频) - 知乎
在美国人类与机器认知研究所(IHMC)新算法的支持下,Atlas 完成了 “最难行走实验”,成功走过了乱石块、独木桥式的狭窄通道等复杂地形。 波士顿动力的 Atlas 机器人会过独木桥了!
IHMC Atlas Autonomous Path Planning Across Narrow Terrain
Atlas humanoid robot (DRC version) walking across narrow terrain using autonomous planning. The robot senses the terrain with LIDAR and builds a map of plana...
IHMC Teaches Atlas to Walk Like a Human - IEEE Spectrum
2018年12月5日 · At IHMC, roboticists are busy solving this problem by teaching Atlas to walk more like we do. In addition to making humanoid robots more efficient, a more natural walking gait could make them more versatile as well, able to handle more rugged terrain that robots that spend all of their time in a squat.
GitHub - ihmcrobotics/ihmc-open-robotics-software: Robotics …
Robotics software featuring legged locomotion algorithms and a momentum-based controller core with optimization. Supporting software for world-class robots including humanoids, running birds, exoskeletons, mechs and more. - ihmcrobotics/ihmc-open-robotics-software
IHMC Robotics Lab
At IHMC, we have developed Nadia, a hydraulic humanoid robot designed to serve as a new platform for research in locomotion and control. Nadia's size, weight, speed, torque, and range of motion are comparable to that of a typical human, making it an ideal candidate for advancing humanoid robotics.
2019年7月8日 · IHMC在DARPA竞赛中使用了波士顿动力的Atlas机器人,并获得了第二名的成绩。 目前,他们的研究重点是与美国宇航局的联合探索项目,将机器人自主步伐规划系统应用在美国宇航局的人形机器人Valkyrie上,远程操作类人机器人来完成所有的工作。
IHMC的一个多才多艺的人形机器人 - Nadia - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
佛罗里达人类与机器认知研究所 (IHMC)在双足机器人领域以教授非常复杂的人形机器人行走而闻名。自 2015 年以来,IHMC 一直是波士顿动力地图集(DRC 版本)和NASA Valkyrie的所在地,并且在推动这些平台朝着可靠的…
Robotics Archives - IHMC | Institute for Human & Machine Cognition
2019年10月8日 · The 6-foot, 2-inch Atlas robot used by IHMC, which weighs more than 380 pounds, was built by Boston Dynamics. But the software and controls were produced by institute researchers Jerry Pratt, John Carff, Peter Neuhaus, Matt Johnson and others.
ihmcrobotics/ihmc_atlas_ros: IHMC ROS integration for Atlas robot - GitHub
The ihmc_atlas_ros package allows for integrating the IHMC ROS API and the Boston Dynamics Atlas humanoid in simulation and on real robot hardware. This package provides several launch scripts. By default, they all use the latest stable release of IHMC Open Robotics Software as provided on JCenter/Bintray.
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