IHP Templates - Texas School Nurses Organization
TSNO is pleased to provide individualized healthcare plan (IHP) templates that can be used as a starting point for the RN in developing an IHP for your students. Use the Individual Health Plan guide to help answer questions about IHPs. ADHD IHP. Asthma Assessment Data. Asthma IHP. Blank IHP. Brain Injury IHP. Diabetes IHP. Food Allergy IHP ...
School Individualized Healthcare Plans (IHPs) for customization for each of your students with a chronic illness.
Individual Health Plan (IHP) Template for Nurses | MO-CPAP
An Individual Health Plan (IHP) is developed by the school nurse for students who require more complex school nursing services to support physical or mental health needs. School nurses can use this template when developing IHPs.
Individual Health Care Plans and Emergency Information Forms
Most physicians have IHP forms for specific health conditions, and most forms require the physician’s signature prior to submitting it to your child’s school. Below are both general, blank sample health plans, as well as plans that are specific to a child’s condition.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction IHP Template *There are four types of nursing diagnoses: 1. Problem-Focused Nursing Diagnosis: A problem-focused nursing diagnosis has three parts: This type of nursing diagnosis contains the nursing diagnosis, related factors, and defining characteristics. 2.
Would you like to add the student's homeroom number and teacher's name? Emergency Contact List is attached to IHP. Add a medication or procedure? Would you like to add another nursing diagnosis? Do you want to include physician and parent signature lines?
Individualized Healthcare Plan. Diagnosis. Make a copy of this sample plan. Delete the yellow highlighted areas and enter appropriate information. An IHP is developed by the school nurse. for students who require more complex school nursing servi ces to support physical or mental health needs.. Update yearly.
(nursing concerns: Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) 1) Procedures and Interventions ·The school nurse must identify the special health procedures that must be performed in the
IHP Written By: ICD-9 Codes: Parental/Guardian statement: I/We have read this plan and agree to its implementation. Signature: Date: Assessment Data Nursing Diagnosis Goals Nursing Assessment Expected Outcome . Individualized Health Care Plan Page of . STUDENT NAME: DOB . Parental/Guardian Statement: I/We have read this plan and agree to its ...
Ihp creator: Fill out & sign online - DocHub
Edit, sign, and share blank ihp template online. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free.