Evaluation and optimization of five straw energy utilization modes ...
2023年12月15日 · Empirical analysis is conducted on five straw energy utilization models. The research reveals that the EmLCA-II model yields evaluation values approximately 20.2% to 33.7% different from EmLCA, showing a significant enhancement in the evaluation process. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis results indicate the robustness of the EmLCA-II model.
Emergy-based indices and ratios to evaluate ... - ScienceDirect
1997年9月1日 · Indices of emergy yield ratio (EYR), environmental loading ratio (ELR), and emergy investment ratio (EIR), among others, are stressed, and a new index the emergy sustainability index (ESI) is defined. The emergy indices for a given system are shown to be functions of renewable, nonrenewable and purchased emergy inflows.
eisd=eyr×eer/elr 在系统的优化分析中可引入经济学中成熟 的边际效益分析法,用能值扩大率(ear)取代原 系统分析中的eyr,进行单位新增能值投入所引 起的系统eisd 变化分析: ∆eisd=ear×eer/elr ∆eisd 定义为评价系统可持续发展能力的
For feasibility analysis of these systems, energy yield ratio (EYR) and energy payback period (EPBP) have been evaluated. The EYR value of 2y and EPBP value of 11y have been found approximately in case of wick lamp.
Emergy evaluations and environmental loading of electricity …
2002年8月1日 · The output/input energy ratio as well as the emergy-based emergy yield ratio (EYR) and environmental loading ratio (ELR) have been jointly used to explore and compare system performances. Generation of CO 2 has also been accounted for in order to compare renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. The production systems include both plants using ...
The variation trend of emergy yield ratio (EYR ... - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | The variation trend of emergy yield ratio (EYR), environment loading ratio (ELR), and emergy sustainability index (ESI) of China's crop production system from 1997...
The output/input energy ratio as well as the emergy-based emergy yield ratio (EYR) and environmental loading ratio (ELR) have been jointly used to explore and compare system performances. Generation of CO 2 has also been accounted for
eyr电缆参考标准 - 百度文库
eyr电缆是一种特殊类型的电力电缆,通常用于输电和配电系统。 EYR电缆的参考标准可以根据不同国家或地区的要求而有所不同。 以下是一些可能的参考标准:
尿常规GLU++++EYR++++是什么意思 - 百度知道
2009年8月20日 · 建议做一个空腹血糖检测,超过7为糖尿病,再做一个餐后2小时血糖检测,超过11.1为糖尿病。 2.不是EYR而是ERY,是尿红细胞的意思! 也相当严重。 建议做一个尿红细胞形态检查,若正常红细胞多问泌尿科,若畸形红细胞多问肾内科! 多喝水,一定要注意休息,千万别累了! 低糖低盐饮食。 定期复查! GLU是葡萄糖,这个EYR不知道是什么。 糖尿病很严重了。 尿常规GLU++++EYR++++是什么意思你好: 1.GLU葡萄糖,你这比较严重。 建议做一个空 …
果蝇无眼基因与小鼠小眼基因和人类无虹膜的同源性。,Science - X …
1994年8月5日 · 两种自发突变ey2和eyR包含可转座元件插入克隆基因中并影响基因表达,尤其是在眼原基中。 这表明克隆的基因编码ey。 果蝇,小鼠小眼睛和人类无虹膜的ey由同源基因编码的发现表明,尽管眼睛形态和发育模式存在很大差异,但脊椎动物和昆虫的眼睛形态发生在 ...