CD4017 – A Decade Counter with Decoded Output - Build Electronic Circuits
The CD4017 IC is a decade counter that counts to ten. It has 10 outputs that represent the numbers 0 to 9. The counter increases with one for every rising clock pulse. After the counter has reached 9, it starts again from 0 with the next clock pulse. This is a great chip for making running LEDs! See a circuit example further down.
CD4017 datasheet & Pinout and working explained
2025年3月19日 · CD4017 Datasheet and Pinout, CMOS-Decade counter/divider IC. Let me explain how 4017 works, equivalent ICs, example circuits,
CD4017 – 带解码输出的十进制计数器 - CSDN博客
- cd4017是一种cmos技术的同步十进制计数/分频器,具有10个解码输出端口,每个输出端口对应不同的计数值。 - 为了实现1~17进制计数,需要将cd4017的输出反馈回输入端,通过外部逻辑门控制计数器的状态转换,使其...
IIC通信驱动MCP4017可编程电阻编程(3) - CSDN博客
2024年2月23日 · 本文介绍了MCP4017可编程电阻的工作原理、应用领域,详细阐述了如何通过IIC通信进行电阻值设置,包括编程思路和驱动源码实例,以及电阻值数据的读取和转换方法。 接着前两篇博客文章对 IIC通信协议 进行了由浅入深的讲解,本篇博客文章将以IIC为基础,对可编程电阻进行驱动。 如对IIC有疑问,可参考前两篇博客的内容,本文重点为MCP4017讲解。 IIC通信驱动硬件编程 (1)-CSDN博客. IIC通信驱动EEPROM,AT24C02硬件存储器编程(2)-CSDN …
The Ultimate Guide to CD4017 Decade Counter IC: Datasheet & Its ...
2023年12月15日 · A CMOS decade counter like 4017 IC, incorporates a 5-stage Johnson counter alongside 10 decoded outputs to enable counting up to 10 decimal values. With 16 pins in total, this IC dedicates 10 and 16 pins to serve as output pins, each with its specific functionality, outlined as follows:
CD4017 Datasheet(PDF) - Texas Instruments
Divide-by-8 Counter/Divider with 8 Decoded Outputs. Texas Instruments (TI) is a publicly traded company that designs and manufactures semiconductor and computer technology products. It was founded in 1930 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
CD4017 Datasheet (PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor
The company was known for its innovation in the development of the first commercial transistor and for its contributions to the advancement of the integrated circuit technology. Fairchild became a leading supplier of power semiconductors, analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, and other semiconductor products.
The ’HC4017 is a high speed silicon gate CMOS 5-stage Johnson counter with 10 decoded outputs. Each of the decoded outputs is normally low and sequentially goes high on the low to high transition clock period of the 10 clock period cycle.
IC 4017 Decade Counter - Pin Configuration & Its Applications
Let us now introduce you to a new IC named IC 4017. It is a CMOS decade counter cum decoder circuit that can work out of the box for most of our low-range counting applications. It can count from zero to ten and its outputs are decoded.
CD4017 IC Pinout, Description, Equivalents & Datasheet
The IC CD4017 is used for counting applications, it has the capability to turn on 10 outputs sequentially in a pre-defined time and reset the count or hold it when required. It also has the capability to indicate the status of counting using Carry pin.