IKBKG Gene - GeneCards | NEMO Protein | NEMO Antibody
2024年12月25日 · Complete information for IKBKG gene (Protein Coding), Inhibitor Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Kinase Regulatory Subunit Gamma, including: function, proteins, disorders, pathways, orthologs, and expression.
IKBKG - Wikipedia
NF-kappa-B essential modulator (NEMO) also known as inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit gamma (IKK-γ) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the IKBKG gene. NEMO is a subunit of the IκB kinase complex that activates NF-κB. [5] . The human gene for IKBKG is located on the chromosome band Xq28. [6] .
IKBKG gene - MedlinePlus
The IKBKG gene provides instructions for producing one piece (subunit) of the IKK protein complex, which is a group of related proteins that regulates the activity of nuclear factor-kappa-B. Nuclear factor-kappa-B is a protein complex that binds to …
色素失禁症(IP)的基因检测 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
色素失禁症(Incontinentia pigmenti,IP)也叫色素失调症,又名 Bloch-Sulzberger综合征,是一种罕见的 X连锁显性遗传性疾病,发病率约为1:50000,95%以上的病例为女性,若为男性病例,一般因病情严重而胎死宫内。 IP是外胚层来源的一种多系统疾病,病变累及皮肤,牙齿,眼和中枢神经系统,有的患者主要表现在皮肤(先水泡再皮损再斑纹,但也有出生直接斑纹的,出生几个月、几年或十几年后皮肤会自然痊愈),也有的患者会失明、癫痫、痉挛性瘫痪、畸形、智力 …
核因子 kappa B 激酶调节亚基 γ 抑制因子(IKBKG)基因 | MCE
该基因编码 kappaB 激酶 (IKK) 复合物抑制剂的调节亚基,激活 NF-kappaB,从而激活参与炎症、免疫、细胞存活和其他途径的基因。 该基因的突变会导致色素失禁、少汗性外胚层发育不良和其他几种类型的免疫缺陷。 与该基因座高度相似的假基因位于 X 染色体的相邻区域。 [RefSeq 提 …
IKBKG inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase regulatory …
Gene ID: 8517, updated on 9-Feb-2025. This gene encodes the regulatory subunit of the inhibitor of kappaB kinase (IKK) complex, which activates NF-kappaB resulting in activation of genes involved in inflammation, immunity, cell survival, and other pathways.
IKBKG - Genes - GTR - NCBI
IKBKG - inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase regulatory subunit gamma. This gene encodes the regulatory subunit of the inhibitor of kappaB kinase (IKK) complex, which activates NF-kappaB resulting in activation of genes involved in inflammation, immunity, …
IKBKG inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase regulatory …
2012年4月5日 · This gene encodes the regulatory subunit of the inhibitor of kappaB kinase (IKK) complex, which activates NF-kappaB resulting in activation of genes involved in inflammation, immunity, cell survival, and other pathways.
IKBKG 基因,又称核因子κb关键因子 (nuclear factor κB essential modulator, NEMO),其编码蛋白参与IκB激酶 (inhibitor of kappa B kinase,IKK)复合物的形成,在接受各种上游信号刺激后,介导IκBα的降解,并最终导致核因子κB (nuclear factor-κB, NF-κB)通路的激活,是NF-κB信号通路的关键调节分子,在固有免疫及适应性免疫中发挥重要作用,并参与调节血管生成、骨代谢等多种生物学过程 [1]。 IKBKG 基因在体内广泛表达,遍布外胚层、中胚层及外胚层来源细胞。
IKBKG基因详情-基因数据库-基因云馆 - Genelibs