IKJEFT01 Utility - IBM Mainframe Community
2005年8月25日 · IKJEFT01 is a Terminal Monitor Program, which can be use to perform a TSO function within a batch job. See the "z/OS V1R7.0 TSO/E Customization" Appendix A:
Difference bw IKJEFT1B and IKJEFT01 - IBM Mainframe Community
2006年7月20日 · IKJEFT01 is the traditional program name used for the TMP. Look at any of your standard logon procedures and you are likely to see this name used. As long as you have the correct DD statements allocated the step will normally end with cond-code 00.
Unload JCL using utility IKJEFT01 - IBM Mainframe Community
DB2: Hi, I unloaded the table with a unload jcl using utility IKJEFT01. The integer values in the table were unloaded as some junk values....
Overriding SYSOUT of IKJEFT01 to a dataset - IBM Mainframe …
2013年4月7日 · IBM Tools: Hi, I have a job which executes a DB2 program say PROG1 using IKJEFT01 in STEP1. The SYSOUT is routed to xporter as...
JCL utility for sending automatic email - IBM Mainframe Community
2007年7月3日 · IKJEFT01 utility can be used to send mails. To send an automatic mail defferent time //DELAY EXEC PGM=EXCMDWP, PARM=' 00000100,D T' i posted the above code for sending mails at a diff time. One can keep changing this value to do that.
Passing PARMS to REXX through JCL - IBM Mainframe Community
code: //pn4704aa job (@),rexx-test,class=0,msgclass=r, // notify=&sysuid
To run the rexx by IKJEFT01 - IBM Mainframe Community
I want to run the rexx by ising IKJEFT01 and i need to give more than one file as input through IKJEFT01. How can i give in this jcl? and how can i read that files through rexx code?. please help me out in this . //STEPNAME EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,PARM='exec_member_name argument' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSEXEC DD DSN=exec_data_set_name,DISP=SHR
Batch TSO Execution - IBM Mainframe Community
IKJEFT01 is the TSO/E program. You use it whenever you wish to perform a TSO function within a batch job. It allows you to perform any TSO function. For a general list of all TSO functions, type TSO HELP. Additionally, IKJEFT01 allows you to run programs written in TSO/E Command List (CLIST) and/or TSO/E REXX.
Running cobol/db2 batch programs from jcl - IBM Mainframe …
2007年3月30日 · IKJEFT01 is the TSO/E program. You use it whenever you wish to perform a TSO function within a batch job. It allows you to perform any TSO function. For a general list of all TSO functions, type TSO HELP. Additionally, IKJEFT01 allows you to run programs written in TSO/E Command List (CLIST) and/or TSO/E REXX.
Db2 Row Insert Using IKJEFT01 - IBM Mainframe Community
I have been using IKJEFT01 to insert rows into a DB2 table via batch successfully. However, it's annoying to run the job 8 times (or with 8 steps), inserting one row at a time. Is there a way to use IKJEFT01 to perform multiple row inserts in one pass?