c'est / il est / ce sont / ils sont怎么用 - 百度知道
C'est = this is 可指人 可指物 单数(阴/阳) Exp:C'est mon ami./C'est une école. il est = he/it is 可指人 可指物 做表语、状语等 单数(阳性)
C’est vs Il est - Lawless French
The French expressions c'est and il est are synonymous but not interchangeable. Which one to use depends less on meaning than it does on grammar. French lessons and language tools …
「il est」的用法总结 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
首先,与 C'est 不同的是,Il est 会根据后面的名词阴阳性及单复数变成:elle est, ils sont, 或者 elles sont。 而且 C'est 在接复数的时候是要变成 Ce sont(虽然在口语里,用C'est …
"Il y a " 和 "C'est" 和 "Il fait" 和 "Il est" 和 "On est ... - HiNative
3.Il est means “He/it is”. It’s also the present tense of the verb “être” at the third person singular. “Il” can refer to someone, something or an animal with a masculine genre. For example, “Je …
法语学习日记26 事物属性的确认和描述 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年2月3日 · 1、Il(s) / elle(s) + être + 属性词. 我们在以下情形中使用这个结构。 1)属性词是一个形容词. Comment est ton professeur de yoga ? Il est compétent et très patient. 你的瑜伽老 …
C’est vs. Il est: When and How to Use Them in French - Clozemaster
2018年12月19日 · “C’est” and “il est” in French are a common example of two phrases that might seem similar, but are in fact used in quite different contexts. With this guide, you'll learn some …
C'est Versus Il Est | Free French Lesson - French Today
2021年11月18日 · French students translate he is = il est, c'est = it is. But it's often wrong. Both il est and c'est can translate as he/it is. Free French lesson + examples.
C'est vs. Il est - The Most Complete Guide - Frenchplanations
The first big difference between using c’est and Il est depends on whether an adjective or noun comes after it. If you are using an adjective to describe something then use il est. If you are …
What is the difference between ‘c’est’ and ‘il est’ in French?
The difference between c’est (it is, this is) and il est (it is, he is) in French is: Use c’est to present someone or something. C’est mon vélo. This is my bicycle. Use il est only to describe …
C’est Versus Il est: Which One To Use in French
2024年11月18日 · Today’s post covers the rules for using C’est versus Il est and provides examples of sentences, along with two exercises to ensure that you have understood the …