Oil and gas production and oil refining sector
In 2019, it employed 11.9 million people. The ILO promotes the right to a safe and healthy working environment for all workers in the industry, with special attention to those in polar and …
R164 - Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981 …
Whenever two or more undertakings engage in activities simultaneously at one workplace, they should collaborate in applying the provisions regarding occupational safety and health and the working environment, without prejudice to the responsibility of each undertaking for the health and safety of its employees.
The future of work in the oil and gas industry: Opportunities and ...
2022年10月31日 · Chapter 1 contains a brief overview of the oil and gas industry today in terms of its structure; reserves and production; consumption; international trade and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP); and employment.
Oil and gas production and oil refining sector
As the world’s primary energy source, the oil and gas industry has shaped the global economy for centuries. In 2019, it employed 11.9 million people. The ILO promotes the right to a safe and healthy working environment for all workers in the industry, with special attention to those in polar and subarctic climate zones of the northern ...
Resource guide on the oil and gas production sector
2012年12月20日 · On this page: Find information on the oil and gas production sector through Labordoc • International Labour Standards • Statistics • In the media • Key ILO documents • ILO databases • ILO links • External links • Photos
Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery - International Labour …
For many years, the trend of increasing energy demand has been visible. Despite the search for alternative energy sources, it is estimated that oil and natural gas will be the main source of energy in transport for the next several dozen years. However, the reserves of renewable raw materials are limited in volume. Along with the degree …
Shale Oil and Shale Gas Resources - International Labour …
This multidisciplinary book covers a wide range of topics addressing critical challenges for advancing the understanding and management of shale oil and shale gas resources. Both fundamental and practical issues are considered. By covering a variety of technical topics, we aim to contribute to building a more integrated perspective to …
ILO Internship Programme - International Labour Organization
ILO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for high calibre graduate/postgraduate students and recently graduated candidates who are looking for a “hands-on” learning experience in fields related to the ILO's mandate and activities.
Sustainability of Olive Oil System - International Labour …
Sustainability, defined as ‘meeting current needs without compromising the future’, is a widely accepted goal across many sectors of society. Sustainability’s criteria and indicators often only regard sustaining present conditions through increased resilience, intended as a system’s capacity to experience shocks while retaining essentially the …
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We bring together governments, employers and workers to drive a human-centred approach to the future of work through employment creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue. Why work at the ILO? We put people's rights, needs and aspirations at the centre of economic, social and environmental policies.