Speaking 1 (Elementary Proficiency) Able to satisfy minimum courtesy requirements and maintain very simple face-to-face conversations on familiar topics. A native speaker must often use slowed speech, repetition, paraphrase, or a combination of these to be understood by this individual.
ILR scale - Wikipedia
It is the standard grading scale for language proficiency in the United States 's federal-level service. It was originally developed by the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR), which included representatives of the U.S. Foreign Service Institute, based at the National Foreign Affairs Training Center (NFATC).
ILR量表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
跨部門語言圓桌量表 (Interagency Language Roundtable scale)是一套描述語言交流能力的說明。 它是聯邦機構語言熟練度的標準衡量標準。 它原先由 跨部門語言圓桌會 (隸屬於美國 國家外事培訓中心 前身 對外事務研究所)制訂。 量表將人的語言分為0-5等,並用0+、1+、2+、3+和4+表示語言能力大大超過該級水準,但未完全滿足下一級標準。 因此量表有11個等級。 各技能,如阅读、口语、听力、写作、翻译、音频笔译、口译、跨文化交际,可以有各自的等級。 …
Descriptions of Proficiency Levels - ILR
The following descriptions of proficiency levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 characterize spoken-language use. Each higher level implies control of the previous levels' functions and accuracy. The designation 0+, 1+, 2+, etc. will be assigned when proficiency substantially exceeds one skill level and does not fully meet the criteria for the next level.
What is ILR? ILR Scale and Levels - ILR Testing Online
Developed by the Federal Government’s Inter-Agency Language Roundtable (ILR) from descriptions used by the Foreign Service Institute, the ILR scale is the way in which the US Federal Government measures and refers to language ability.
IL-1家族信号途径及功能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
白细胞介素-1 (il-1)家族细胞因子是 先天免疫系统 和 适应性免疫系统 中的关键信号分子,介导对多种刺激的炎症反应。 家族配体成员有:IL-1α、IL-1β、 IL-1Ra、 IL-18、 IL-33 、IL-36α、IL-36β、IL-36γ、 IL-36Ra、 IL-37、 IL-38,共计11个。
ILR Proficiency Levels | The International Center for Language
The Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale was developed to measure a person’s ability to communicate in a language. It consists of five levels of language proficiency and is the Federal Government’s standard scale for evaluating language proficiency.
Level 1 Able to maintain simple exchanges on topics related to self, despite pervasive errors and limited contextual appropriateness. Can conduct daily activities or state in a simple manner action to be taken.
ILR Language Test - Parrot
The ILR scale runs from 0 to 5, with an additional “plus” rating for each number. For example, someone that exceeds Elementary Proficiency (ILR-1) but does not reach the level of Limited Working Proficiency (ILR-2), would be considered ILR-1+. Parrot certifications can have ratings of ILR-2, ILR-2+, or ILR-3.
ILR Proficiency Language Levels — Global Seal of Biliteracy
Level 1 – Elementary Proficiency. 1-: Can satisfy some survival needs and understand a few set phrases, but has very limited vocabulary. 1: Able to handle predictable everyday conversational situations, though with some difficulty. 1+: Can maintain simple face-to-face conversations on familiar topics. Level 2 – Limited Working Proficiency