Intramural Hematoma - Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular …
2018年4月3日 · Resolving type A IMH with ULP. Axial noncontrast (A) and postcontrast (B) CT images demonstrate type A IMH (solid arrows and highlighted by yellow line) with a ULP seen in the AA (dashed arrow). Whereas the IMH regresses on follow-up axial postcontrast (C) CT imaging after 2 months, the ULP persists.
Long-Term Prognosis of Patients With Type B Aortic Intramural Hematoma
2003年9月9日 · Therefore, close follow-up imaging study must be necessary for type B IMH patients with an ULP. In this study, our indications for surgical intervention for AD or IMH were (1) maximum diameter of the affected aorta ≥60 mm, (2) rapid enlargement of the affected aorta, (3) rapid enlargement of ulcerlike lesion and (4) rupture of the affected aorta.
Type B intramural hematoma: focus on reasons for development …
As a consequence, some consider an IMH to be a subset of aortic dissection (AD) with little or no flow in the false lumen. These intimal defects have been referred to as ulcer-like projections (ULP) or focal intimal disruptions (FID) and can be found at initial presentation or during follow-up.
高危主动脉壁内血肿影像学特征 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月8日 · 在一些IMH病例中存在增厚的主动脉壁内有造影剂,可能与溃疡状突起(ULPs,也称为内膜糜烂Intimal Erosions)、主动脉内膜穿透性溃疡或主动脉分支动脉破裂导致的壁间血池有关,第3节对此作了更详细的解释。 主动脉壁内血肿是继发穿透性溃疡的情况下,CT可用于定位内膜破口位置,通过血管内支架介入治疗可以隔绝内膜破口。 除了标准轴向图像外,仔细阅读二维多平面重建图像和三维体积重建图像对于主动脉评估也至关重要。 特别 …
Newly developed ulcer-like projection (ULP) in aortic intramural ...
2008年2月1日 · To show whether the clinical and radiological features of newly developed ulcer-like projections (nULPs) in an aortic intramural haematoma (IMH) on follow-up computed tomography (CT) images, are different from those of the initial ULPs (iULPs) on …
Clinical and imaging differences between Stanford Type B …
2023年7月28日 · This study retrospectively analysed the clinical and computed tomography angiography (CTA) imaging data of 42 IMH-like lesions patients with ulcer-like projection (ULP) and 38 ATBAD patients, and compared their clinical and imaging features.
Intramural hematoma and penetrating ulcer in the descending …
Intramural hematoma (IMH), penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer (PAU), and aortic dissection can occur as isolated processes or can be found in association. All these entities are potentially life threatening, so prompt diagnosis and treatment is of paramount importance.
Acute and chronic complications of aortic intramural hematoma ... - PubMed
Cox proportional hazards regression model revealed that the maximal diameter of involved aorta is the only significant predictor of the development of acute complications (P = 0.006), whereas the age (P = 0.040), type A IMH (P = 0.015), presence of ULP (P = 0.015), and newly developed ULP as revealed on follow-up CT examination (P = 0.032) were ...
主动脉壁间血肿(intramural hematoma,IMH) - 健康界
2022年4月19日 · 主动脉壁间血肿 (intramural hematoma,IMH) 由Keukenberg在1920年首次描述,其临床表现和主动脉层 (aortic dissection, AD)、主动脉穿透性溃疡 (penetrating aortic ulcer, PAU)有一定的相似性,因此被并称为急性主动脉综合征 (acute aortic syndrome, AAS)。 目前研究表明,部分IMH可以迅速进展为AD或主动脉破裂,可直接危及患者生命,是一种急性、致命性的主动脉综合征,其发病机理尚未完全阐明,早期识别、诊断和治疗极其重要。 患者的临床表现 …
李震:逆撕A型主动脉壁间血肿的单中心数据分析 - 搜狐
2020年8月22日 · 溃疡样凸起(ulp)的诊断标准: 1)多见于降主动脉imh中的囊带状对比强化灶; 2)与主动脉管腔相通; 3)内膜破口>3 mm; 4)局部常无严重动脉粥样硬化斑块。 ulp常是imh预后不良的表现,易恶化进展,应积极腔内干预。 主动脉穿透性溃疡(pau)的诊断标准: