深入了解ISO TANK--罐式集装箱(集装罐tank container) - 知乎
罐式集装箱ISOTANK(tank container)国际标准罐是一种安装于紧固外部框架内的不锈钢压力容器。 罐体内胆大多采用316不锈钢制造。 多数罐箱有蒸汽或 电加热装置,惰性气体保护装置,减压装置及其它流体运输及装卸所…
Understanding intermodal tank types: All you need to know …
2021年8月19日 · Different intermodal tank types. The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMO) classifies tank containers into IMO Type 1, IMO Type 2, and IMO Type 5. All three categories can transport hazardous products of varying “dangerous” levels.
几种常见的罐式集装箱(tank container) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
罐式集装箱又称ISOTANK箱是一种装运散装液体的多式联运装箱。 它们是根据各种级别的危品和非危险品货物运输的国际规则来设计制造的。 绝大多数罐式集装箱按照 ISO标准 设计(同样的尺寸,ISO标准起吊位置),筒体材料为不锈钢。 必要时,容器筒体材料亦可由其它材料制作。 1) 标准罐式集装箱. 尺寸:6058*2438*2591(mm)/20*8*8.6(尺) 容量: 25000 (L)/6341(G) 自重:3750KG. 最大工作压力:4 bar. 工作温度:-40℃~130℃. 用于装载危险品液体或普通化工品液 …
Isotank Specifications | Intermodal Tank Transport
Steel Thickness: Double thickness. Vacuum isolation. Special Fittings: Most tanks for liquids are heated by steam, water, and/or electricity or insulation. Cooling equipment optional. The listing of IMO types has been replaced by the “T” code system.
罐式集装箱的分类 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
第一分类模式: 联合国国际海事组织 (imo)及其危险品运输规则(imdg)把此类罐体划分为以下几类: (1) imo 1型: 危险货物罐箱. 如爆炸物、高度易燃毒素和 腐蚀性物质 。您可以使用这种类型的储罐运输 闪点 低于 0 摄氏度(低于 32 华氏度)的液体。排放口 ...
IMO Type A Tank – LNT Marine New Website
The International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (the IGC Code) sets the design basis and criteria for four types of cargo containment systems (tanks) allowed for transportation of liquified gases. These are independent tank types: A, B and C and ...
2017年6月18日 · IMO Ship Types are used for Product/Chemical Tanker Classification. The suitable type based on the Intended Products/Chemical Substance carried by the vessel. 1st – What is Product/ Chemical Tanker? Chemical tankers are cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of any liquid chemicals in bulk.
Section 6 Tank types - IMORULES
Type B independent tanks are tanks designed using model tests, refined analytical tools and analysis methods to determine stress levels, fatigue life and crack propagation characteristics.
Part E - Tank Types - IMORULES Type B independent tanks are tanks designed using model tests, refined analytical tools and analysis methods to determine stress levels, fatigue life and crack propagation characteristics. Where such tanks are primarily constructed of plane surfaces (prismatic tanks), the design vapour pressure P o shall be less than 0.07 MPa.
Cargo Containment Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
New developments use IMO type A tanks and IMO type C tanks. For LNG propulsion on ship other than LNG carriers, IMO type C tank are preferable. A cargo containment system is the total arrangement for containing cargo including, where fitted:
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