Analysis: New Russian army combat engineer vehicles deployed in …
Feb 8, 2023 · The IMR-3M is a tracked engineer armored vehicle base on the T-90 tank chassis. It is designed to remove obstacles on the battlefield under the fire of the enemy. It features a multipurpose dozer blade mounted at the front of the hull, a crane, and a mine clearance plow.
IMR-3M - Army Guide
IMR-3 is designed for engineering support of the advancement of military columns and building the tracks. The equipment allows to independently overcome anti-minefield and lay in them passages. The vehicle is equipped with CBRN reconnaissance devices. The IMR-3M is capable fording up to 5 m deep.
在乌克兰部署的新型俄罗斯陆军战斗工兵车辆 - 搜狐
May 18, 2023 · imr-3ma由一台四冲程多燃料柴油v-84ms液冷发动机驱动,发动机功率为840马力。 最高道路速度可达62公里/小时。 整辆车可以由两名乘员在装甲防护下操作,一门12.7毫米高射机枪用于自卫。
IMR-3MA Vepr - Army Guide
The main purpose - the exploration, overcoming and clearance of minefields. The vehicle is able to make 2 track widths of 800-870 mm at a speed of 40 km/h in anti-tank minefields. The main difference between the BMR-3M chassis and the BMR-3MA Vepr is enhanced mine protection.
Feb 12, 2023 · imr-3m是t-90坦克底盘上的履带式工程装甲车。 它旨在消除敌人火力下的战场上的障碍物。 它具有安装在船体前部的多用途推土铲、起重机和扫雷犁。
【坦克型号盘点系列】T-72/90底盘的其他衍生车辆(重置版) - 哔 …
bmr-3ma的遥控无人版本,从外观上看其观察窗前部安装有一个带有三个全境摄像头的前伸框架,摄像头均有装甲保护。 该型无人扫雷车还被投入到俄特别军事行动中。
IMR-3MA - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The IMR-3MA or IMR-2MA is an obstacle remover armored vehicle evolved from the T-90 Main Battle Tank (MBT) chassis. It has been designed to clear paths for the armored units. It features a multipurpose dozer blade, crane, and mine clearance plough.
The Russian T-90 IMR-3M Combat Engineer Vehicle
The Russian T-90 IMR-3M Combat Engineer Vehicle is based on the T-90 tank hull. The vehicle’s working equipment incorporates a universal bulldozer attachment, a telescopic jib with a universal working tool, and a tread way plough sweep, designated KMT-R3, complete with an electromagnetic attachment.
IMR-3M Russian Combat Engineering Vehicle - United States Army
The IMR-3M is armed with the 12.7mm remote-controlled machine-gun mount. It can fire at ground, low-speed air targets, as well as explosive objects openly lying on the ground. The IMR-3M is...
V-84MS - Army Guide
IMR-3M (Engineer vehicle) 1. IMR-3MA Vepr (Engineer vehicle) 1. T-72 (Modernization of the vehicle) 1. Related Articles: India aspires to modernise its T-72 MBTs (11.01.2005) Share... Nickname: Register: Password: Remind : Last Edited Product: C1 Ariete AMV (Modernization of …