IMR 4320, what's the best use | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年2月15日 · With the current powder availability I've decided to get rid of all old stock, partial cans etc. I found a few old metal IMR 4320 cans and decided to burn it up. .223, 6 XC (light bullets) .308, .30-06 what do you suggest?
IMR 4320 - .223 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年3月30日 · Re: IMR 4320 - .223 I guess a lot depends upon the measure. I ran some tests with a Redding, a Lyman, and a Dillon. With 4895 or Varget they all were within +/- .2 gr. With RL 19, the Redding and Lyman were the same but the Dillon would bridge about 3 time out of 5. Interesting, but frustrating.
IMR4320 for 308, sure, why not. | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年3月29日 · IMR 4320 is an overlooked powder with today's 308 Winchester shooters. IMR 4320 has short kernels and meters well. It's a great substitute powders when other, more popular powders are difficult to find. It's slightly slower than 4064 …
IMR-4320, The Good, Bad, and Ugly - CMP Forums
2013年7月18日 · IMR 4320 is a sleeper. Our (Navy Team) LR load for the Mk2-1 match rifles (308 M1) was Sierra 190 grain MK with 4320. It was definitely a kick-butt load at 600 and 1000. Joe Sopko (also USN team retired) used the old Navy load tweaked for his own rifles to win the Porter and Atkins trophies ~some years ago.
Use IMR 4320 for 260 Remington? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2013年4月16日 · Does anyone have any load data for IMR 4320 and the 260 Rem. I'm putting together a new rifle in 260, never loaded for it before. With H4350 impossible to find right now, I need to use what I've got available. I have Varget and IMR 4320 on hand. I'm looking at ordering some Lapua Scenar 139s, Berger 140s, Hornady 123 SST, and Barnes 127s to try ...
Which IMR Powder? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年11月9日 · On my burn rate chart, IMR 4198 is the fastest, considerably faster than your fav 4064. Then comes 3031, still faster by a good margin. Then comes your 4064, and finally IMR 4320 which is immediately below Varget on the burn rate chart. Good luck.
What happened to imr4320 - Sniper's Hide
2020年9月20日 · What happened to imr4320 ???
Hodgdon 4350 vs. IMR 4350 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年3月31日 · Re: Hodgdon 4350 vs. IMR 4350 Yes. The H4350 is a temp insenstive powder. From winter time to summer time, you will notice a velocity/pressure change in your load with some of the IMR powders. I love the IMR powders, especially IMR4350. But a hot/fast load developed in the winter time will be a HOT load in the summer time.
IMR 4895 and 4320 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年3月23日 · Re: IMR 4895 and 4320 The 4895 will work for both bullet weights. Hornandy #7 Manual .223 Remington 55 grain bullet IMR 4895 25.1C grs MAX load 3,100 fps Hodgdon Website .223 Remington 75 GR. JLK VLD IMR 4320 .224" 2.250" 22.5 grs 2554, 24.2C grs 2766 Both loads will be compressed
IS IMR 4320 Too Slow for an M1A? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Read couple articles lately regarding burn rate and M14's. One said use nothing slower than 4064 EVER, the other said use nothing slower than 4320.