Sub 3031 for 4475 - Cast Boolits
2007年10月24日 · Ok, have done a search for IMR 4475 and found info. that it is close to IMR 3031. 4475 does not appear on any burn rate charts that I have looked at. Can a load that calls for 4475 be used with 3031 by backing up the charge wt. by 10% and working up?
Surplus Powder sources - Cast Boolits
2009年6月19日 · Surplus IMR 5010, 50 BMG Powder, extruded 8lb-$45.00 Virgin H5010, from Hodgdon Bulk drums, 8lb- 79.99 IMR-7383, Temporally Out 50 cal spotter powder, This extruded rifle powder can be used in reduced velocity medium sized rifle loads, this powder is bulkier than 5010, also for magnum rifle,
Powder Cross Reference - Cast Boolits
2010年5月9日 · ADI Name Hodgdon Name AS25BP / Trail Boss Trail Boss AS30N Clays AS50N International Clays AP70N Universal Clays AR2205 IMR 4227 - H4227 AR2207 H4198 AR2215 IMR 4198 AR2219 H322 AR2206H H4895 AR2208 Varget AR2209 H4350 AR2213 H4831 AR2213SC H4831SC AR2217 H1000 AR2218 H50BMG AR2225 Retumbo Benchmark2 BenchMark Winchester Name Hodgdon Name Win 231 HP38 Win 296 H110 RWS Rhino …
Strange happening at the range - Cast Boolits
2007年3月26日 · The guys set up and attempted to shoot what he said was a 405gr cast reload. Well he pulled the trigger and all I heard was a tiny pop. We thought he forgot the powder but when the action was open grains of an IMR type powder went all over and the bullet was about 1 inch up the barrel. He cleared bullet and powder and tried again. Same thing ...
Surplus Powder sources - Cast Boolits
IMR 4475 $80/8# IMR 3031, 846 Extruded WC 680(n) $64/8# AA1680 Ball WC 820(n) $64/8# AA#9 Ball
NEI 311284 and 30-06 - Cast Boolits
2008年7月5日 · Well, as you know I ran the 311284 GB for NEI. I didn't get a mould but as a result of all the "test casting" I wound up with a pile of 311284's.
Reloder 7 - Cast Boolits
2007年5月5日 · I've never bought surplus Powder and know nothing about it except for what I'm reading here. Would there be a Surplus Powder with a similar burn rate to Reloder 7.
Did some work (teeny tiny bit) with some IMR4475 - Cast Boolits
2006年9月21日 · .....I just got 16 lbs of this powder from Bartlett on the strength of it's supposed to be 'like' 3031. I was really wanting some 4895 but he was out.
45-70 mil surplus powder for hunting load - Cast Boolits
2008年3月23日 · I am running 340 gr cast and have lots of different powders, 4475, 852, 820, #7. the rest of the are faster pistol powders. Commercial powders I have a 4831SC, 4064, 296, and Lil gun.
Given this at church! - Cast Boolits
2010年11月28日 · A member of the congregation brought me this to dispose of, so I took my pipe cutters and cut it just below the crimp.