IMR 4831 Go to powder for what? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2008年2月6日 · IMR 4831 is faster than H4831, and is a completely different powder. That 60gr/4831/130gr bullet/ .270WCF load was Jack O'Connor's famous recipe based on surplus WWII 20mm Oerlikon H4831 Today's H4831 is much the same, except you can't buy it in paper bags for a few cents/lb anymore.
Riddle me this - 4831 IMR vs. Hogdon - Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年7月7日 · Basically IMR burns a tad faster because it's built off the original specs, Hogdon was spec'd after the at-then burn rates of old surplus powder of the same original design. Just how close are we talking here? During load development my buddy had a smidge of IMR 4831 laying around and graciously gave it to me.
IMR 4831 & H 4831 used with a .243 Win. | Ruger Forum
2015年5月16日 · Ok but this doesn't answer my question I have loaded a lot with H-4831 but never with IMR 4831. I would really like to find out what you guys have done with the IMR 4831 using a 100 grain bullet. I don't want to use a maximum charge but just a starting point or a good medium charge using IMR 4831 with a 100 grain bullet.
IMR 4350 / 4831 vs H 4350 / 4831 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2024年6月13日 · IMR 4350 and 4831 are slightly faster burning than H4350 and 4831 respectively. Thats probably why you see more load date for IMR in 25-06. You will find that IMR 4831 seems to be a perfect powder for 25-06. Don't worry about temp sensitivity. You're really not going to see much difference out to 500yards. Past that it will start to show more.
IMR VS Hogden 4831 - Long Range Hunting Forum
2009年10月15日 · On a 6.5WSSM running 47.4gr IMR 4350, I get 3040fps with Lapua 139s.. Quickload 'what-ifs' for 55Kpsi(my pressure) AND </=100% case fill, all else equal: IMR4350 comes right to the top at 98%fill and 3044fps. Interesting and related in order below are: Hodgdon H380 95%fill and 3033fps (needing same 47.4gr) IMR 4831 100%fill and 2988fps
IMR 4831 vs H4831sc - Long Range Hunting Forum
2012年6月22日 · Currently using IMR 4831 in a 300WSM, and see the H4831sc is a popular choice for this caliber and yields a little more velocity. Other than it being short cut, what is the difference in these two powders, and should I switch to H4831sc? Thanks for your knowledge, hope to repay in the future as I gain my own. ))--SLIVER-->
IMR or H4831 in 300 wby? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2011年4月24日 · There is about a 2 grain difference between IMR-4831 and H-4831. My old reliable accuracy load for a 300 wby is 82 grains H-4831 with the 180 grain bullet and 80 grains with the 200. New powders now are a little faster with it but were no 40 years ago when I developed these loads. They have worked in all 300 Wby mk 5's.
6.5 prc with 142 smk and imr 4831 - Long Range Hunting Forum
2022年2月16日 · 6.5 PRC 142 SMK IMR 4831.txt. 2.4 KB · Views: 298 Reply. N. nwhite2 Well-Known Member. Joined Feb 16 ...
IMR 4831 How sensitive to temp is it? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2008年2月24日 · I was wondering if H4831 would be less sensitive to temperature changes than IMR 4831? One other question how much difference would there be between the two of them as far as velocity is concerned. :confused:
What gives with modern 6.5x55 loading data? - Long Range …
2016年5月13日 · Is the Sweedish cartrage a weak case desing like the 30-30 because even loads for new guns appear mild. The old Speer manual load showed a load of 50grns. of 4831 push a 120 grain bullet. The new manual showss a loading for a modern strong action rifle using about 45grns. of 4831. That should say Imr 4831 but why the decrease with a strong action.