Reloading data for IMR 5010? > 50 Cal > AR15.COM
2005年5月7日 · 205g is a good summer load, but when the temperature gets below 40, you will want to start shooting 215g. 205g of IMR 5010, in the winter, will start to show erratic velocity. Groups will start opening up to nearly 2-3 times the size you were getting in the summer. OK, that's enough secrets for this post.
IMR-5010 in 50 BMG Odd Results > Reloading > AR15.COM
2020年6月13日 · My handloads using once fired LC and pulled M33 650gr bullets go like this with IMR-5010: 210gr - 2347 211gr - 2335 212gr - 2347 213gr - 2343 214gr - 2099!!!! 215gr - 2185! I called the 214 a fluke, but the second seriously regressed load at 215 stopped me cold. Primers look ok. Not as good as the Federal rounds, but like I'm just getting warm.
Having issues with IMR-5010 > 50 Cal > AR15.COM
2020年6月14日 · My handloads using once fired LC and pulled M33 650gr bullets go like this with IMR-5010: 210gr - 2347 211gr - 2335 212gr - 2347 213gr - 2343 214gr - 2099!!!! 215gr - 2185! I called the 214 a fluke, but the second seriously regressed load at 215 stopped me cold. Primers look ok. Not as good as the Federal rounds, but like I'm just getting warm.
Getting back into loading... 860 or IMR 5010 for plinking > 50 Cal ...
2017年11月13日 · If you shoot alot of tracers, 5010 is the best choice for them. Or you can take and poke a small hole in the tin foil cover on the base of the projo. Only do this to the ones that you plan on using at the shoot you're going to. Tracer elements are hygroscopic, attracts moisture and when they swell cause the necks to split.
IMR 5010 - AR15.COM
2017年4月3日 · Your 200 grain load with IMR 5010 is probably very mild. Since surplus powders vary in burn rate from lot to lot yours may be faster or slower than my IMR 5010 so you'd have to work up watching for pressure. All my loads for Tracer, AP, Ball, API, and Blue tips are safe from 215 to 222 grains and still not close to maximum.
Possible issue with Surplus 5010 powder! > 50 Cal - AR15.COM
2008年7月12日 · NOT a Virgin IMR-5010 issue. I know the guy this allegedly happened to (Paul A. of Albuquerque). I suggested he post the source, acquisition date, etc but to date he has not. He told me the powder was PULLDOWN IMR-5010 from www.wideners.com. Wideners allegedly told him they would not replace the powder as his storage of it was beyond their control.
IMR 5010 powder from High-tech Ammo BARRET M82A1 …
2010年10月17日 · Has any one here loaded IMR 5010 powder from High-tech Ammo.? I loaded some 647 gr M-33 Bullets 225 grains of IMR 5010 and got 2969 muzzle velocity! This stuff is HOT.I called LIOYD at HIGH-TECH AMMO.He told me that the IMR 5010 that they are selling is 10% hotter than the old IMR 5010.I shot this out of my M82A1
IMR 5010 powder from High-tech Ammo BARRET M82A1 …
2010年10月17日 · This stuff is HOT.I called LIOYD at HIGH-TECH AMMO.He told me that the IMR 5010 that they are selling is 10% hotter than the old IMR 5010.I shot this out of my M82A1 with 29 inche barrrel.Lake city 09 brass,CCI 35 Primer,I am going to drop it to 205
WC-860 powder? - AR15.COM
2008年1月28日 · By all means use WC-860 or IMR-5010 with these at a cost of around $0.20 per charge. FYI, WC-860 is not as reliable at igniting tracers as IMR-5010 which was designed for the purpose. Also, most ball powder (WC-860) is not as temperature stable as IMR type powder, making IMR-5010 a good bit more versatile.-David Edgewood, NM
help with T-5010 powder | Forums - In Memory of Wilbur
2010年3月5日 · I just purchased 8lbs of T-5010 and T-5020 and I was told it is hotter than T-5020 which left me totlally in the dark. Can some one tell me is T-5010 an exact match to a Hodgons or IMR or some other powder without me spending hours testing? Commom cartriges IU 338-378, 308, 6.5/284, 30-06, .338 Thanks for your time.