IMR-8208 XBR loads with .223/AR-15 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年5月5日 · Re: IMR-8208 XBR loads with .223/AR-15 The burn rate is slightly faster than 4895. Hodgdon's site has load data for the Grendel and my XBR and brass will be showing up today for me to do some Grendel loads.
In Search of IMR 8208 XBR | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年1月29日 · 8208 is great in 6.5 Grendel, as is CFE223. Have had some very good results with AR Comp, it’s generally available, and adapts well to 223, 6.5CM with light bullets and 308, so pretty versatile.
IMR 8208 In the 6.5 Grendel | Sniper's Hide Forum
2007年11月18日 · Does anybody have any experience using IMR 8208 in their 6.5 Grendel. Performance? Loads?
Replacement for 8208 XBR IN AR-15 - Sniper's Hide
2023年4月5日 · This is best choice because it will be similar pressure to 8208 producing similar velocity and is the ONLY one on this list, like this. Faster now: N135 can replace and is good choice. You will need about ~0.2 grains LESS w/77 grain to equal FPS (this will be higher pressure than 8208) H4895 can replace 8208 and is probably closest in load data.
IMR 8208 XBR | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年2月7日 · Re: IMR 8208 XBR Burn rate is very close to IMR 3031. It is not the powder to use with the heavy bullets is .308 WIN. Varget/RE-15 is the way to go. However, 8208 works with the 155gr bullets very well. Velocity gain is apparent, but the SD/ES is really impressive.
Loading 223 using 8208 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年10月31日 · I run 24.4 grains of 8208 and shoot 82 bergers at 2900-2910. I am on my 4th loading of Lake City 223 brass, and the gun still bugholes with 3500+ rounds on the barrel. Edited to add: Let me qualify the above by saying that I worked this load up, it's in a bolt gun, and I have the bullets seated to a case overall length of 2.500", fed via an ...
223, 69 SMK, IMR 8208 OCW | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年7月25日 · Re: 223, 69 SMK, IMR 8208 OCW IMR 8208 XBR is an excellent propellant for the 5.56. I have used it with 55 Nosler BT's and found that 26.0 grain in my custom QPQ'd 18" Rock Creek 5R barrel was best @ 3122 ft/secs.
Loading range for xbr 8208 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年5月7日 · Re: Loading range for xbr 8208 For my rifles, upper-mid range charges have worked best across the board from 55gr to 77 gr bullets. I can push them a little faster with good accuracy using Varget, but settled on 8208 due to metering. Some of the guys here stated good results with over max charges.
IMR 8208 XBR | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年4月6日 · re: imr 8208 xbr If you could please provide some additional information: case, full length resized or neck resized, bullet, load increments tested,factory or match chamber, OAL, jump to lands. What was the group size each, POI, fps and what method did you use to identify the nodes and refine the loads.
8208 xbr versus Benchmark | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年7月26日 · Re: 8208 xbr versus Benchmark I've been finding the same thing. I was surprised to see on the container that the IMR 8208 XBR is Made in Australia. They are both Australian ADI powders. Very similar in reloading data, but not exactly the same. In the .308 Win. ,8208 looks to be just a tad slower than Benchmark.