MODS Home - MODS Home - United States Army
The Medical Readiness Portal provides healthcare providers, readiness personnel, and Army leadership with integrated tools to track, manage and take certain actions to maintain Soldier’s...
MEDPROS CONTACTS - United States Army
The Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) was developed by the AMEDD to track all immunization, medical readiness, and deployability data for all Active and Reserve components of the Army as well...
Immunization Tracking Systems - Health.mil
MRRS is the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard’s tool designed to record and track Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) elements to include immunizations, dental status, laboratory tests, and physical exams such as periodic health assessments, deployment health status, pregnancies, illnesses, and injuries.
MEDPROS CONTACTS - United States Army
DoD web sites may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including to ensure their use is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to...
Description I Most Serious IMR Deficiencies Fully Medically Ready. Includes Temporary Profiles 7 days in length. Partially Medically Ready. Soldier is deficient in one of the following Hearing...
https://rc.mods.army.mil/MHA/pdha/DHADeploymentCheck.aspx. Enter your ICAM username and password, then hit “Password Login”. It should authenticate your ICAM account on your...
2019年5月9日 · assess IMR services due Profiles Per Army Directive (AD) 2018-11 (10 SEP 18), Soldiers on Temporary profile >30 days will be considered non-deployable. AD 2018-22 (8 NOV 2018) directs...
Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) - Health.mil
2022年7月13日 · A measure of an individual Service member’s compliance with established medical readiness elements. This measure of health and fitness is one aspect used to determine medical deployability of individuals and units in support of military operations.
Medpros Army Portal - Army Medpros Login Portal
Medpros Army Portal is an integrated system that Soldiers can access anywhere and anytime. How does this system work? Here’s the explanation. MEDPROS is the Army’s automated database designed to meet the Department of Defense’s requirements for maintaining unit and individual medical readiness.
Health Readiness Support
2022年7月20日 · The Defense Health Agency Health Readiness Support Division provides product development and deployment health execution guidance in order to optimize Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) and keep a healthy and fit fighting force which is medically ready to deploy at any time.