Your IMR status can be viewed at https://asimsimr.health.mil/imr/MyIMR.aspx. This is a A -enabled website that works best in hrome. The following are tasks IRs must work to maintain GREEN status. See the following page for more info about each IMR task, to include timelines, processes, and guidance.
Immunization Tracking Systems - Health.mil
MRRS is a web-based, real-time application with a central aggregating database, which links with existing authoritative data systems for personnel tracking including the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) and Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS).
instruction eliminates Air Force individual medical readiness categories of fully mission capable, partially mission capable, and not mission capable. It links Air Force individual medical readiness metrics and goals to Department of Defense Instruction 6025.19, Individual Medical Readiness (IMR). It realigns responsibilities previously ...
Individual Medical Readiness > Sheppard Air Force Base > News
2015年4月29日 · Members are responsible for keeping track of their individual medical readiness, also known as IMR. Requirements for IMR include: annual preventative health assessment or known as PHA, laboratory tests, immunizations, annual dental exam, profiles and any medical equipment indicated such as, gas mask inserts.
AFI41-106 Medical Readiness Program
AFI 41-106 is an Air Force Instruction that establishes the Medical Readiness Program, which outlines the procedures and responsibilities for ensuring that all Air Force personnel are medically ready to support operational requirements, including guidelines for medical deployment clearance and maintaining individual medical readiness.
This Instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 41-1, Health Care Programs and Resources, and AFPD 41-2, Medical Support. This instruction applies to the United States Space Force (USSF), Regular Air Force (Reg AF), AF Reserve (AFR) and Air National Guard (ANG) and Department of the Air Force (DAF) civilian employees.
MyIMR website helps patients track medical requirements > Air Force ...
2013年2月18日 · Here's how to take control of your own IMR: go to https://imr.afms.mil/imr/MyImr.aspx. You'll see your next recurring medical exams such as: immunizations, preventive health assessment, dental, occupational health and labs. Plus, you can see your age 18 or younger child's shot records.
Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) - Health.mil
2022年7月13日 · Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) Date of Publication: 7/13/2022. Definition: A measure of an individual Service member’s compliance with established medical readiness elements. This measure of health and fitness is one aspect used to determine medical deployability of individuals and units in support of military operations. Source of ...
The impact of your IMR status > Air Force > Article Display
2015年7月14日 · Your IMR status shows seven elements; Preventative Health Assessment, Dental readiness, Immunization status, Laboratory studies, Profile's (AF 469)/Duty Limiting Conditions, Individual Medical Equipment, and annual Occupational Health dates for those members in hazardous duty shops.
Health Readiness Support
2022年7月20日 · The Defense Health Agency Health Readiness Support Division provides product development and deployment health execution guidance in order to optimize Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) and keep a healthy and fit fighting force which is medically ready to deploy at any time.